The War on Love

in #life7 years ago

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“...Reality, however utopian, is something from which people feel the need of taking pretty frequent holidays.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley writes about a dystopian society where an oppressive dictatorship had successfully managed to enslave its population to such degree they were forbidden to love anyone else but the government.

He painted an oppressive society where the citizens were utterly prohibited from showing or even feeling any sort of love towards their siblings, parents, friends.

Not even children were conceived out of love.

And to maintain such a state of apathy, the state made sure that every single citizen ingests some type of super-mind-numbing substance called SOMA.

From Thought Police to Feelings Police

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Falling in love with a romantic partner was the most policed feeling of all. Not only you weren’t allowed to sleep with the same person twice, but you were obliged to have sex with any person that wants to have sex with you.

Consent was strictly forbidden, because allegedly if you refused sex with someone you could hurt their feelings.

Talk about snowflake society.

Imagine that, you can’t refuse sex with anyone because rejection is now deemed offensive... Instead you should let them rape you, because you know, that's the politically correct thing to do.

Now I know, this sounds absolutely insane. And more importantly, it’s just a fictional piece of literature. But from a historical point of view, this isn’t exactly outside of the realm of probabilities.

The War on Love

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Historically, the ruling class have always waged some sort of war on love. After centuries and centuries of existence it’s hard to believe that the sexual revolution only took place a few decades ago.

How many monotheistic religions have we had in this planet? And how many of them forbade people from having sex before marriage?

Even worse, how many of them prohibited people from choosing their own spouse?

I believe the point is made.

And by the way this is without taking in consideration all the polytheistic religions (religions with multiple gods) and cults… Don’t get me started with cults.

This isn’t a coincidence, but rather a personality trait in a certain type of people. Those who should probably get hosted in some psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane.

Ironically, they always end up in presidential elections instead.

All things considered, it still sounds implausible that the government will be successful in implementing those intrusive Orwellian policies any time soon.

But then again, people were laughing out about Big Brother for ten years straight. Ridicule, insults and mocking to anyone who dared to question the fact that the government may be spying on us.

And it wasn’t for lack of recent examples, the KGB, the Stasi.. .Etc.

Look at us now, it has become like gravity, spying has become totally acceptable. No one seems to question NSA surveillance anymore.

Just a few years ago, it seemed outrageous to suggest that such thing could be even taking place.

From Big Brother to Big Sis

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And that’s the terrifying part, when you see certain universities war on free speech. In Rutgers for example, you’re only allowed to speak when necessary to avoid offending people.

Even crazier is this new nanny-state war on children, where they’re trying to ban kids from having best friends so that other kids without best friends don’t feel offended

Seriously, banning children form having best friends? It kind of creeps you out.

Once I wrote a short comedy about the increasingly creepier nanny-state, one year later we wish it only stopped there.

That was over a year and a half ago, now it seems like these were the good times. But I guess that’s what happens when you live in world where the insane have overrun the asylum, that crazy becomes the new normal.

The Road to Dystopia

You can’t police feelings, you can’t force people to feel the same affection to everyone in the world in the same manner. With some people you have more rapport than others, and that’s totally normal.

And most of all, children are just that: Children. So don’t expect them to be God. You can’t expect them to love all his children and love them equally.

The theory of “Forced Godnessess” coming to a daycare near you.

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Image Sources: 12345


Think like animals, and decide by your instincts, where are your minds?
You find it appropriate that the female is a public property in the name of love
Love expresses respect in treatment and not sexual behavior
The only solution is marriage and nothing before it

But love will always rise above the hate :) ... awesome post once again great to see you after a long time :D

Thank you @blazing! I'll try to post more regularly from now on :)

I hope you're doing great!

Wow. That's a great exploration. Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks Tom, Happy Valentine's Day as well!

i remembered a quick quote here "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

That's a great one indeed. Ghandi if I'm not mistaken.

This is so great! You got the great point here......

Thanks a lot! I'm glad you liked it :)

Love is an immense feeling which grows more when under oppression. Love doesn't know any wat political boundaries or any beliefs. Its just connect of souls with fire in their thoughts. If provoked it can cause serious rage in the thoughts. It wont succumb under any pressure.

"Love doesn't know any political boundaries or any beliefs" Amen to that!

Thanks for the awesome comment btw!

I truly beleive every human should have the freedom of choosing their own spouse!

Thank god we were born in the right century. :) That's the most basic of freedoms and yet many opposed it.

After reading that i can feel like love feels the hate all the way but no one can demolish it

Love always prevails, because haters needs to attack something while love is self-sufficent :)

Love is not limited to lovers . Love is not just a day's release.For the sake of everyone, for all the days.thanks my dear @the-alien:-

Thanks @harmonic! I wish you a fantastic day!

haha you absolutely ri8. i like this post. :)

You do not have the right to not be offended. I always like that saying and it seems more appropriate every day.

Haha! Do you happen to know who's the author of that quote?

I have no idea. I just always thought it made such good sense and was beautiful in it's simplicity. Who was the author?

they more they will police everything the result will be accordingly that feelings and emotions can't be controlled really an awesome post bro :)

Thanks @starboye! I don't think they can control it either :)

Evil takes many forms and so many are very subtle. I feel being well read from many sources and turning off TV and getting to know your neighbors clears the air and allows reality to enter and be observed.

Good on you @team101! Human touch and books (expanding knowledge) is not even comparable with watching TV. Some may say it's a lost art :P

I would like to get me some soma though

i love dystopian readings! why have i not read Brave New World!? thanks for the summary and diving into some of its mind-blowing complexities. thinking of love being a managed and government controlled thing - its absurd. but also when you think of the one-child policies that have existed its also mind-blowing! i definitely recommend the move "What happened to Monday?" - great movie and similarly touching on these subjects!

Thanks for the recommendation @itinerantartist! I was actually looking for movie recommendations :)

Thanks for the awesome comment as well, and you're right, they're probably the worst people to manage love, not that love can be managed to start with.

It's like we're under a hyper-controlling nanny who's starting to escalate and lose her mind haha

i totally agree! definitely check out "What happened to Monday". "Children of Men" and "Her" were also great dystopian movies as well! Her is one of my favorites of all time, just because its set in the future but doesn't feel like it - and is this high tech but also just normal way of portraying it.

i totally agree! definitely check out "What happened to Monday"

Honesty is important in love!

Oh absolutely!

thanks for appreciating my word !!!

Fuck being offended.

They say offence is never given, only received. To me that sounds like a challenge!

Haha true that!

Even if you're hurt, pick yourself up, dust yourself up and move on :)

Firstly, a very interesting read and one which resonated with me on a personal level. Secondly,

You can’t police feelings, you can’t force people to feel the same affection to everyone in the world in the same manner.

The powers that be seem to be able to influence our emotions to a greater extent that I feel you give them credit for. They are able to concoct new and ever more ludicrous things for us to be outraged at. The media spotlights a great many fallacious "truths" with the intent of giving us something to be angry about. Whilst I agree that it is impossible to make anyone truly love someone or something, it seems very easy indeed to make us all upset.

That's an excellent point @pleaseignore. And there never seem to be any shortage of things that we "must" be outraged about.

Such a great use of time, right?

I once joked about the ridiculous outrage phenomenon.

Life is short, and outrage is probably not the best use of the precious life we have.

Thank you for the awesome comment.

You say love cannot be policed, but can it? Is this dystopian idea plausible? As we sit, government institutions already control a significant portion of our lives.

Perhaps you're right @superjazzhands to an extent. I believe it's impossible to make someone love a particular person or thing but there are great attempts at influencing how we love. Disney seems to have a vested interest in telling our children how romance works, whilst the pornography industry seems to have some ideas about how adults should love one another. The recent spike in incest themed pornography is particularly troublesome to me.

They sure do. What I meant is they can force people to not be with those they love, but so far they never were able to force people to not love anyone but them.

I guess we'll see with this new experiment they have where they want to force kids to love all other kids and love them equally, expecting all kids to be Jesus.

Crazy times :P

Wow. Love the article!

Thank you!! :)

Little people love to look outside themselves for their problems.
Their emotions are hurt, so it is the "friend" that rejected you
or it was the brick that got in the way of your toe.

To these little people, fixing out there seems logical and would make all their problems go away.

Never realizing that the world they champion is a world without love. If your heart cannot be broken, it can also never know true love.

It is so sad that all of these snowflakes do not realize that their utopia is someone else's nightmare. Or, more specifically, they demand the utopia, and not knowing it will not be their utopia, so they are asking for a nightmare existence.

Too bad logic isn't taught in school.
Too bad communication and negotiation are not taught in school.
Too bad money management is not taught in school.

"Too bad logic isn't taught in school.
Too bad communication and negotiation are not taught in school.
Too bad money management is not taught in school."

I almost totally agreed with this, but then I remembered that sometimes they teach "bad money management"... So it's even worse haha

Then they are the party who can determine what is offensive and what isn’t.

And it's getting creepier by the day haha

I read once that they're trying to ban words like "evidence-based" and "science-based"... In the CDC. Strange times haha

estupendo articulo

So my dog and I read your article, and talked about it. We have decided that you hit the nail on the head. Or as Riley likes to say ya shit it right on the floor. Love must be destroyed for the powers that be to take full control. The family must be destroyed. The middle class must be destroyed. Hope must be destroyed. Individuality must be destroyed. Creativity must be destroyed. Art must be destroyed. Uncertified critical thinking must be destroyed. Sense of self must be destroyed. Freedom must be destroyed. Values must be destroyed. Free thought must be destroyed. Feelings must be destroyed. So now that we've covered the basics of a few things that gotta go, lets take a look at all the things that THEY have been attacking. Oh wait they are actively attacking everything on that list in as many ways possible on every platform possible. This is what they want and they are going all out to get it. My dog says don't be a sheep, but if you are we and people like you will help you out. Keep at it bro. We will be following you.


They Live is a great Marxist film and everyone should watch it.

Love and emotions were outlawed in BNW, not because they wanted to avoid hurting people's feelings, but because they wanted to maintain an emotionally absent population.

Your point about consent is odd because you use a critique of 'snowflake' society. You're only source to prove that somehow there's a 'Big Sister' (which I'm assuming you really just mean feminism) is a link to a campus reform article.

Two things about that.

First, the article itself suggests no official policy by the campus, but is just a picture of a display in a dorm hall. The University even said that the display was put up by an RA. Most universities have 'language policies' these days, yes. But to suggest that trying to educate people about why 'illegal alien' or certain words are offensive is equivalent to some kind of Orwellian language police is absurd. It's a false equivalency. The article too is written in an blatantly hyperbolic fashion. It's obvious there's not actually a story present, and the writer REALLY has to stretch it that some kind of massive injustice is occurring.

Really, it seems like the writer of that article is a snowflake. Which brings me to the second point. Campusreform, a far-right website devoted to using loaded terms, bases itself on being offended about people being offended. I think this is a great example of the absurdity that plays itself out in America and the internet these days.

Someone says dumb shit, gets called out for it, and instead of owning it, that someone responds by calling everyone else a snowflake.

I think there's a real attack on relationships, like you suggest in your article, but I don't think the problem is people being easily offended.

Big Sis is the "nanny state" (which is a term, just like Big Brother.. There isn't really a brother or a sibling there it's just an experession)

I made it clear by even linking an old post about the Nanny state.

At no point I even spoke about feminism, nor I don't see what relationship does that have with the article.

We're all humans, and all humans should be able to experience love and love whomever human they wish.

Have a great day.

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You have a pretty interesting point of view my friend . This is only the tip of the iceberg sadly :/ . I I will never understand how the most wicked people get so much power and just shit on the rest of us. The only hope I feel is knowing that, " love is no match for hate" historically speaking (ww2 , slavery, Jim Crow, etc.. ) , good has been on a steady climb. Theres HOPE!

(followed/ upvoted) :)

There is always hope! Thanks for the awesome comment!

Life shows us many experiences from the up's and down's but this was very different to read got so sad at an instance but cool that you shared it with us got to learn something it from the end :)

Excellent post this is great work so great to read it :)

Interesting post this is really nice thanks a lot for sharing this :)

You just described in your own style which i love reading nice :)

i really hope they don't come that soon hahah but thanks for making this post

you wrote a fantastic post i appreciate your hard work :)

Fantastic post! I agree, there is a war on love. that's why Sex (sex without love) is so heavily pushed, our society is controlled sexually when it comes down to it. Populations become so easy to control by our base energy, it locks us into fear. fear of getting cheated on, fear of not being pretty enough, skinny goes on and on. The controllers have a fear as well, which is LOVE! They know damn well that love is the only force that trumps EVERYTHING else. This is why the war on love exists, to keep us from freeing ourselves...

"All you need is love!"

Evolution is made in a way that those who collaborate, prevail and the ones who disrupt die out. Other than that, I have nothing to add.

LOL the banning of best friends thing made me laugh.

You're right, people are feeling too many feelings today to the point fear is all they know.

How ironic.

Shit, if something doesn't go your way... fuck it, so be it. Move the fuck on already!

it is why love is divine.

and in the end, love is all there is, all there ever was, all there ever will be...