@bethwheatcraft the world is too uptight and it is definitely not as I remember it from when I was a child. TV shows that were hits back then like "All in The Family" would never be on the air today. Why? People don't see it as a show/entertainment and just say it is offensive so it wouldn't be on the air. Also on the other side of the coin, the mainstream media today offends a lot of people but it's OK because they are far left views. If the view is from the other side it is "JUST WRONG" and is bashed from here to kingdom come. Funny how that works.
Well yeah. Leftist comedians can say whatever they like, but a political comedian like Milo Yianopolous says anything out of order and they want to burn him at the stake. They have even called him anti-gay racist for his jokes. He married a man! A BLACK MAN! It's out of control. Really.