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RE: I Don’t Know What Any Of These Plants Are Called… 🤷🏼‍♀️

in #life6 years ago

It's funny, what is common to on person can prove to be extraordinary to someone else. When I first saw the Jack Fruit, I was like what the heck is that? Can be used for Pulled pork and tacos, never would have imagined that.
What different vegetation they have over there. Besides the Pineapple bush, tree, shrub, or what ever they grow on, I can't help you with any of the names of the other plants.
The red one which is used for coloring food and possible as a lipstick is kind of neat.
I do have one question though. When I clicked on the link lipstick, and saw Steve Buscemi applying it, I immediately thought of, why does it take so long for women to put their makeup on, this dude applied the war paint in about 2 seconds and was ready to go.

Between the ants and the mosquitoes, this little adventure seemed to provide you with more entertainment than anticipated.

I don't know if you can purchase it over there, but have you ever tried "Skin So Soft", it works great for mosquitoes, but I am not sure if it works for carnivorous ants, I doubt it.

The one thing they didn't mention about you, and why you are considered an exemplary steemian, is your patience and helpful nature when it comes to helping others navigate problems. Technical stuff needed to navigate the platform confuses knuckleheads like myself, but your efforts to get us straightened out never waived.Shining Qurite, congratulations @dandays if there was anyone who ever deserved such an award it is you.

Tell the big guy I said hello and congratulations.Talking about technical stuff @puravidaville, I should probably be writing this in a reply to #dandays.

One last thing, when I read this line,"Today, @dandays and I are just chillen." I said to myself, good for them they must have gotten a break in the weather.

Stay Safe my friend!!


Coolest dude I’ve never met. What’s it like reading some text from the luckiest guy you’ve never met?

Eh, that lipstick comment made me laugh out loud—good one! Thank you for noticing, @thebigsweed, we really appreciate it. And helping you out is my pleasure, sir, everything I’ve been able to show you I had to be taught as well.

Knowing you guys is our pleasure!

Haha… the lipstick comment. I know, I know, we sometimes take awhile to get ready but it’s all worth it when you tell us how pretty we are in the end. The jackfruit is so versatile. I’d never even heard of them before eating plant based so maybe using it as a sub for meat is a vegan thing but whatever, I promise it good prepared that way.

Sweed, anytime Dandays and I venture out into civilization there’s more entertainment than anticipated. We are like characters of the town. Haha… I swear we need to walk around with a GoPro on our heads recording our every move and each interaction because we just can’t make this stuff up. Happy Easter @thebigsweed and @farm-mom. Enjoy your weekend my friends!

I can only imagine some of the funny stuff that goes down. To me, even though you are both out of your element, or better yet comfort zone, you still seem comfortable, if that makes any sense.
Have a Happy Easter, and being that you guys avoid meat, I guess the Easter bunny is safe. Not so safe in this neck of the woods.