Want the "Magic Metabolism" and Lose Weight Effortlessly?
No, this isn't an ad for some magic pill. LOL I'm sharing what I've been seeing work for over 10 years now.
Choose your foods by your blood type. When you choose the correct foods for you (which requires also knowing your parent's blood types), you will lose 2-3lbs a week until you hit the normal weight for your height.
When you eat the foods for your blood type, your body digests and uses the food properly. When you eat foods wrong for your blood type, your body spends resources fighting off parts of those foods.
I've Brought This Information
to many people, of all blood types. I've also watched it work with all blood types.
Tried The Blood Type Diet and It Didn't Work?
Here is what you need to pay attention to:
- Your Blood Type (obviously)
- The Blood Types of Your Parents
- The pH of Your Body
- Additional Ingredients
When something is neutral for your blood type and avoid for one of your parents, it can be avoid for you. An alkaline body pH can make it easier for you to digest it, but some things will always be avoid foods.
Your body needs to be Alkaline, so eating 70%+ alkaline and alkalizing foods helps immensely. Too alkaline can also be as bad as too acidic, be careful. ;)
Additional ingredients. Always read ALL the ingredients on a food package. If it was natural flavorings, it would say strawberry puree instead of "natural flavors". Chemicals, highly refined foods, hydrogenated oils and more are all avoids.