Hello All Dear Steemit Friends,
Friends today i want to share my own story about how I losse 25 k.g weight in 4 months and what makes me to do that.
So Friends i was always a fatty boy since i was a child and many of my friends make fun of me because i was very overweighted that time,when i was around 13-14 years old my weight was around 75-80 K.g and i know that is very much for a boy of that age,but the growth in my weight not stopped there and at the end in the starting of 2017 i finally reached at 110 K.g and trust me guys that is a very very bad situation,
Because when you are overweighted then all your body start weakening and you start looking more older in age as compared to how old you actually are,so when i crossed 100 k.g i was totally blank and don't know what is just happening with me and is their any way to get my weight under 100 k.g again,
Friends if you are highly overweighted then the first thing that you want to avoid is hardwork and start searching for substitutes for that hardwork and i also do that,so i just searched on internet that how can i losse weight without doing any hardwork and i got so many names of some kind of magic capsules that promise to make any one fat to fit by increasing their metabolism,
So i ordered one of them and start taking those capsules per day before my meals but instead of burning my fat i started getting a serious stomach ache every night and at the end i just throw away those capsules because they are not doing anything that i expect from them.
So after that i started dieting but when you are overweighted dieting becomes a very painfull task,because most of the time your mind just think about food and if you don't eat more food then slowly you start loosing control on your mind.
So at the end my dieting plans also got failed and i realised that if I didn't do anything to stop this weight gaining then maybe in coming time i crosse 150 k.g as well,so at the end i decided to go to gym and burn this fat by doing hardwork because i didn't find anything that magically make me fit and do the hardwork for me,
So was hit the gym first in July 2017 and trust me guys whenever i was go to the gym i always feel very underconfident Because most of the people are very fit there and i was the only fat one there but i decided to be in shape no matter how much hardwork i have to do for that,
So i started hitting gym everyday without skipping a single day and in the starting my stamina was very low and if i run on a treadmill for 2-3 minutes then i have to stop that and take a 2-3 minutes break to regain my stamina back,and i was really frustrated with that but at that time i can do nothing to increase my stamina instantly,
So for increasing my stamina i also started running in the central park of my city and in 1-2 months i was able to run 20-25 minutes continuously without breaking my breath and in gym i also started doing weight training with my cardio training,and do exercises for 2-3 hours everyday,
And after one month i loose my first 10 k.g weight and trust me guys i don't know how to express you that how much happy i was when i saw my hardwork finally doing its job,so after loosing those 10 k.g now im on 100 k.g mark and for loose more weight i started taking care of my diet and stop overeating and trust me the best way to stop thinking about food is keep yourself busy in other things,so i started keeping myself busy in a lot of work and that really helps me to keep my eating desires on check,
And after 4 months i finally reached at 85 k.g weight and after lossing that much fat i almost feel like i got a new life and i decided that i will not ruins my this new life as i ruined my old one.
So today iam very happy that all of my hardwork paid me off and helps me to archive the weight that i never thought i could ever possibly archive,so i just want to say you that their is really no substitute of hardwork and if you want something then you must have to do the hardwork to archive your goals.
I hope you enjoyed my journey and this helps you to understand the value of hardwork,
And if i can do this then you can also do this,all you need to do is believe in yourself and never find a substitute of hardwork.
Congratulations!! Your determination and hard work has brought you to where you are today.
Thanks buddy for your nice Comment :)
I like this blog friend because I see myself in you doing the process how to lose weight its hard .But if you see the result its all worth it.march 2017 im 63 kg hehe but after doing my workout t25 in 5 month I lose 11 kg now im whooping 52 kg hehe
Waaoo that's a great achievement dear and iam glade that you relate this blog to your own story, thanks for your lovely comment sandaraclark :)
Congrats also on your achievement and transformation..you improve a lot :)
Thanks :)
Great man, this is really a great transformation
Thanks bro,it will take a lot of hardwork to archive this but after archiving my goal i really feel awesome
wow, great man...
Thanks :)
thanks dude you gived me postive energy xD
Thanks bro :)
You look good, healthy! Your hard work paid off!
Ya now iam happy with my hardwork :)
Wow. Great job to lose 25 kg weight. Me too wants to reduce 25 kg. I will follow your guideline keep sharing. @thecrytotrader
Haha thanks buddy and you can do this,all you need to do is just do hardwork :)
Yes hardwork is key to success. Thanks
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