Well innovation comes from the utilization of the god given freedom and right, each and every last one of us posses. We have the ability to create 100% of the time, But we become so boggled and confused by life and it's many infinite (Like here, my mind says, you can't have many infinite, as the many is redundant) idiosyncrasies (How to get caught up!) But there I would have preferred to have capitals and it goes on.
So what I'm getting to the POINT OF THE MATTER! "We all have something to give, (NOT OFFER) GIVE", Because it's so important, that currency doesn't get in the way, cloud your creativity. If you attach a value to everything. You will not create, you'll wait until promoted to create and the rest of the time fall in to the bleak investment potential pond.
Believe me there are many stuck in that pond and that's not where you want to be, it's purified and cold, poisoned,stagnant and useless. Become the free event the heart and soul of the party, fill every second with your life, it's spawn, it's word, it's chaos, don't be held back by format. Don't be degradated (Search the net this word doesn't exist, but in my mind it does) by others opinions (Exactly my point). You are the creator and what ever the format, you're the world your making. Bring you to them and they will bask in your light, for we all have something to offer to everyone. No matter how little you think of yourself. You are depriving the world of you, if you don't come out from under that rock. All them that have the spark and the will and the want and the love, passion belief in themselves. your job is to keep running , throwing yourselves out there, but empowering each other and bringing everyone that illustrious strength to your fellow
You bring yourself to everyone.