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RE: Closing the Door on 15 Years of Veganism for my Health.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Try some fish and chips! And just think about something else... maybe your moral convictions are right for you, but that doesn't meand they are capital "R" right across all time and space... get out of your head -- you may have had it ALL wrong for the lst 15yrs. Just sayin'


Btw, that salmon looks delicious!


The thing that made my illnesses worse was stress and alcohol, not vegan foods. I just have a very sensitive system now and for the time being need a different diet.

I think vegan living is a responsible choice for many. However, wild, sustainable, ethically sourced salmon is among some of the best protein on earth. Raw and canned is quite the leap! Also, i think you are smart to go somewhere and have it prepared for you. Go somewhere nice, and clean, and try try again. Fish oil & protein is demonstrably good for the human body.

Hope your health improves.

I can't eat fried foods.

I also don't think I had it "all wrong" the past 15 years at all.

I don't mean to be insensitive. Nor assume i know what's what. Best luck with your improving health.