Thanks for sharing. Taking mental notes as I go to see if I can make a sensible argument about my extended vacation plan. The take a few years to see the world plan keep evolving and will likely take at least a year to put together, but just maybe I'll be able to get my "everything needs to be planned out" Wife to go along for the ride.
So many people work their entire life trying to save up for a great retirement, but that day comes and all they have really done is save up to afford a good nursing home...or worse die early without spending any that money they worked so hard to save. You can't take it with you and my kids are both healthy & intelligent so they can make it on their own as adults.
Sure many people think leaving a "legacy" means leaving financial support to their kids. But to me I'd rather it be that I taught them lessons like to take time with their kids vs being a slave to the system and to live your life as you want to live it, not as others say it should be lived.
You took the words right out of my mouth..all of it!! Bang on :)
And I had to chuckle about your wife, the planner. I figured all those years I was a teacher, I had to plan out everything. I'm so glad not to have to do that anymore; I prefer to fly by the seat of my pants ;)