Other parents can keep their opinions to themselves, raise your children the way you see fit. You did what you thought was right at that moment and no way that one moment changes anything in your kids future. But for the moment he was thrilled with his chicken.
The stuffed animal thing is a hard line no in our house. Both girls have so many I don't care what they find, but seriously they just have way to many to start with.
Thanks! You're right, it's no big deal either way in the grand scheme of things...then again, you never know what memories from 4 years old may randomly stand out for an adult :)
We were overrun with stuffed animals, too! It's unbelievable the way they accumulate!! I heavily culled them a couple years ago and now each child has about half a dozen "very favorites." The hen dodged over the line, but I'm reestablishing the ban on new ones for sure😂