The cabin is different that my parents place. This area is different from where I lived in the past.
How hard is that for you guys to comprehend?
Just leave my blog and go play on your own.
The cabin is different that my parents place. This area is different from where I lived in the past.
How hard is that for you guys to comprehend?
Just leave my blog and go play on your own.
I appreciate the offer to leave your blog but I am no quitter, I will stick it out here for you. So many really good off grid homesteader sites and then there is yours- useless information you make up in your delusional mind and swear its all true. Watch any of the other homesteaders and learn some things to improve your site. It could only improve.
Remaining here and harassing us in the real world and online is criminal
I have the video inviting me here. We are now a team. You make the videos and I help with the comments. My job is harder than yours so upvote my comments to make me some real money. Our channel will grow with leaps and bounds once people come to steemit and I explain away all the mistakes you make in every video.
as a world traveler- your words, you are not familiar with the state you grew up in? No one ever mentioned the severe winters further north? No weather reports on tv of northern Michigan? Something so basic as knowing your home state and you fail miserably at it.
You guys would deny if I said the sky was blue.
You guys would have a fit and scream I did it wrong if I helped an old lady cross the road.
Your constant harassment of myself and my family online and in the real world is criminal.
My problem with you and an old lady is you might try to move onto her land and turn it into a huge waste site without the proper permits and when she evicts you she will have to pay a ton of money to clean it up. I hope you stay away from little old ladies- there are laws against elder abuse.
as far as helping that old lady across the street goes, we figure youd hit her up for 5 bucks once she was across. in the first place you dont help anyone but yourself anyway so its a moot point.