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RE: My Story - Run Out Of My Home Due To Harassment

in #life7 years ago

Interesting since all my videos show our solar panels, solar cooking, solar water heating and more. My electronics lab and wood shop are entirely off the grid and anyone can come see that there are no power lines connecting to them. The sad thing is that you and some other trolls are blinded and cannot see what is in front of your face.


So show us your grid-tied inverter and your transfer switch, or GTFOH.

You're full of crap Troy, and you're a liar and an e-begger.


I have never said I had a grid tie inverter and am always open about the fact that we dont have the house yet fully off the grid. Come on now, I know you watch my videos. We use and inverter and power cord, which I have shown on video. Nothing hidden. Nothing secret. And you know that I cant get a job anymore thanks to your friends. Why dont you answer my questions? Do you feel good about ruining the lives of three people like this?

So take your $700 phone and take a picture of this inverter, battery bank, and power cord, right now. are a reliable image hosting site, as you know. :o?

Oh, there you go trying to turn people against me with your sly twist of facts. Everyone knows that you get a free phone with a new cell phone contract. Its not like I paid for it up front or anything. Its normal to have a cell phone, especially with a wife and newborn baby.

And all that stuff is already in my videos, which you have already seen. I am not going to bow to the demands of a filthy old troll like you. I will carry on with my daily videos as usual.

Free phone? How deluded are you? Nothing in life is free, Troy. Your monthly charge includes the price of the phone . Cheaper phone equals cheaper monthly payment.

You have never shown your solar setup in the trailer, and you are the one who is lying, Troy.

Show us the picture! It's a two minute job. If you won't do it, you just continue to look like a cry baby.

By the way, I hardly ever watch your videos, because they're rubbish. Poorly filmed, poor sound, poor or non-existent editing, and piss poor production value.

If I want to learn how to do something, your channel is the last place I'd look.

Oh, so now you are telling me that you have NOT watched my videos but yet claim I am a liar? Boy, on what do you base your claims? Heresay from a nest of vipers?

I don't need to watch them, Troy, because there are many others who do. They also kindly share your lies, in your own words, at,17.0.html
Show everybody the picture Troy, and stop crying about the big bad filthy trolls.

Oh, there you go trying to turn people against me with your sly twist of facts. Everyone knows that you get a free phone with a new cell phone contract. Its not like I paid for it up front or anything. Its normal to have a cell phone, especially with a wife and newborn baby.

And all that stuff is already in my videos, which you have already seen. I am not going to bow to the demands of a filthy old troll like you. I will carry on with my daily videos as usual.

Filthy old troll?

How about clean, late middle aged, virtually housebound gentleman with disabilities, who was taken in by an internet scammer?

If you had a conscience, you would be ashamed. But no, it's me and my 450 fellow "trolls" that have you all wrong.

You Sir, are a narcissistic sociopath, and a fraud.

Still waiting for that picture of your solar setup in the trailer...

Watch my videos. Its all there. I am tired of this repeating. You never answer my questions and only throw out hateful speech and accusations.

And I see that you left this post to call me a scammer again in another post. I already answered you on that point. You sent me a battery water tester of your own free will. I did not ask for it. I did not beg for it. You sent it. I thanked you publicly. I used it on video publicly. What more do you want?

PM me a paypal address and I will pay you for it. Finish this stupid filth once and for all.

I thought I had replied to this one? Never mind.

It was a battery electrolyte hydrometer, Troy. Top of the range. Pop out to the garage and fetch it in, for everyone to see.

You could film your imaginary fully wireless trailer solar setup while you are out there. Still waiting for that one... Chop chop!

You can't buy my silence, Troy!

Do the right thing. GET A JOB!

Go get a job

You know, I find it interesting that you and your friends think they can dictate how I make a living while at the same time making sure that I cannot ever get a normal job again around here. I already moved to a new State to start a new life and you guys have ruined that too.

You see the ironic part of the problem is that now you guys have ruined my life I would get a normal job. But I cant. You guys made sure of that.

So what is your agenda now?

And sadly, I was making a good living the past 10 years on my own. Until you guys ruined it all.

Hi, friend of oldcodge? Read my posts above. Thanks.

He's no friend of mine, Troy.

There you go throwing your unfounded accusations around, again.

@frank1949 Apologies for this piece of trash lowering the tone of this website. I don't think he'll be here long... and as soon as he leaves, I will probably do the same.

Check him out yourself. Google knows all about him. :o(

You say I am "lowering the tone of this website"????
Wow, I just came here to post my videos and articles. All friendly and family oriented. You are the one tossing accusations and filth. Just leave and all will be well again.

Please just go away and leave my family alone. All I want is to be left to care for my family in peace.

No filth, Troy, just truth.

Are you denying you brought "TJ," a convicted paedophile, across state lines to stay with you?

Your own videos show you together, and you knew of his convictions.

YOU are the filth. I just came here to let the good people here know about you.

People can at least decide for themselves here, without you deleting their thoughts and comments.

GET A JOB, TROY! Your wife and daughter deserve better than living in a shed with an unemployed waster.

Your continued refusal to face the music will be your downfall.

There you go again with those accusations. I cant get a job because you wonderful "good people" as you call them ruined my life and got me shunned from town. I moved to a new state to get away from you guys and start a new life. But your friends ruined that. What do you want me to do? Move again?


Do you want me to post the links to your own videos?

How's that picture of your imaginary trailer solar setup coming along?