The lie you've been brainwashed into your whole life...

in #life6 years ago

Do you ever remember being young and being told You can be anything you want, or If you put in the work you can do anything you want something along those lines?

They lied, but it was a lie they sold a whole generation. New parenting techniques that failed us miserably. Want proof? look at our depression and mental health rates in comparison to say an African nation. Why in comparison is ours so high?
Why are people that don't even have clean water or food not depressed when we have people that are suffering immensely for no pin-pointable reason.

Why do we have a generation of sad, lazy, entitled people.

It sounds harsh but if you fit into the category it's probably not your fault. How were you supposed to go against whats been rammed through your brain since you could remember. See we were told we could do what we want, make money from it and be happy. We were told not to settle for less and in doing so we were taught that we don't have to work hard for what we want.
If you want an example of that just look at Steemit. How many accounts have been made and how many are still active? Sure some left for other reasons, no time, life got in the way etc, but more often than not people give up because they aren't getting rewards and they definitely aren't getting them fast. It's a perfect example of people not being willing to work their way up or earn their place.

The idea that we can do whatever we want is a fallacy

One of the biggest issues I see is that people seem to misinterpret that. There should still be a difference between a hobby and a career.

Just because you enjoy doing something doesn't mean you deserve to get paid

I see this problem most in the very generalized area of Art. I know a lot of people that like to draw, I also know a lot of people that think they should get to draw and be paid. Ok, but how good are you? objectively. What is it you can draw? or better question, what do you draw and why should you be paid for it?

A real world example for you

I had a housemate who decided to do a photography course, upon completion she had done quite well and she really seemed to enjoy it. Her and her partner started a business in photography, the perfect tale of doing what you enjoy for a living right?
Until she realized that it wouldn't be these glamorous interesting photo shoots, it wouldn't be creating a nice set and getting the perfect light at sunset on that landscape. It would be taking photos of houses for real estate agents, doing shoots for babies over and over or couples photos. Why?

Because that is what people are willing to pay for.

Because the market of people that want to pay you to do the fun shit isn't that big and the boring stuff is most of life.
Thing is if she sticks with it, if she does the boring shit for 10 years and puts in the work she might get to a point where people will pay her a lot of money to do the creative stuff she wants.

It's not necessarily unrealistic

Of course some people will be able to do exactly what they love and get paid, some people love to make beer and started a successful brewery, more often than not they make some beer in their shed and don't get paid though.

Some people will be able to get paid to sing the songs they write. Most people will not.

Because we've seen some do it we think all of us can, and because of that we reject reality in favor of telling ourselves it was some un-controllable circumstance that stops us.

In reality it's just because in this world, The real world It's just not possible for us all to do what we love and get paid. Someone has to clean toilets, someone has to cook fast food and wait tables, someone has to wash cars and deliver pizza but none of us want to.
Back a few decades people knew they worked hard to make a living, it didn't have to make them happy it was to support them. They did what made them happy after work and because they didn't expect to do something fun and amazing everyday and get paid they weren't disenchanted when it didn't happen. They didn't feel like a failure because they couldn't find a way to make a living from their passion.

Maybe it isn't unreasonable to want to do what makes us happy but the unfortunate reality is this is having a massively negative effect on both our mental health and our view on reality.
