My friends and family really made the day special. Everybody was so happy and having a good time...
Life has definitely had its ups and downs as of late.
Luckily I have a great family at home and I love my day job as a Nurse- caring for a medically fragile boy full time. I remind myself of the wonderful opurtunites I have been given and the amazing wife I get to come home to.
Money will come eventually- the hard times will fade I’m sure. Hell, I’m only 25- so there’s plenty of time to figure things out.
I look forward to what life brings..
Jeez i was about to say "sooo young" then I realized I got married at 27 which is just 2 years later hahah .
I am really looking forward to your writings, you have your own style and i am an avid fan of yours now. I want to say I am eager to read part 3 , and many other of your stories, even fictional ones I wouldn't mind
I write a lot how I talk - I think my writing reflects my personality pretty well...
It’s great to know that there’s someone looking forward to reading my posts. Part 3 should be done soon!!
Yeah the last time I enjoyed reading like this was few years ago so you go me interested again in litterature. And it doesn't feel like "writings" it's difficult to explain
I once said in an early post that I hope people will follow my content - not just for what it is but also for the piece of me that you will find in every post I write. I don’t have the ability to travel the world and take amazing photos but I have something else..Me
And I mean that in the most humble sense.
Hey Bro my wife just made her first post on Steemit!
I just did, she has a great story to tell ! Welcome on board @jkat!
Oh and yeah my wife is 22 so she’s the young one haha!