HOW TO BE HAPPIER? Look this 5 tips🙌.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Who does not want to be happy despite the dark times?

So many people is pursuit of happiness and everybody think that being happy is just an emotion, but happiness is a way to life, although there is no perfect formula to be happy, there are certain things that will help us to make it. Look this ones


¡Love is a human necessity! Without it any social comunnity could exits. This help us to worry about other necessities, make us stronger and confidence, and give us the oportunity to have good friends and a stronger family.

Source: ThriveGlobal


Find a reason to smile, a good or bad joke, a funny comment... Whatever you see could you make you smile, you just have to see the possitive things in the negative ones.


A really spontaneous photo with my cousins.


This is the hardest part, but we aren't perfect so we're gonna make so much mistakes and we need to find a way to forgive over and over again because if you don't forgive you're gonna feel so dark. "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you." - Louis B. Smedes

Quote Ambition

Source: Quote Ambition


When we exercise with produce endorphins that is a kind of hormones compared with morphine that can counter feelings of stress and sadness. So if you don't like get exercise you should start to do it, you need it!

Blog Pilates

Source: Blog Pilates


Never feel like everythings is lost. There are some many things that it gonna be bad, but, it gonna be better. So, never stop to dream, never stop to fight and work. Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. Samuel Smiles

Source: SPCCrochester

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This are a very good way to be happy. Remenber: Happiness is a way to life not just a feeling.

Thanks for reading❤.


Muy lindo tu mensaje. Se nota disfrutaste tu escrito. Un abrazo 🤗

Si, realmente me ayuda escribir estos temas. Me ayuda a recordar lo que debería estar haciendo y no hago!