So to start, I would just like to clarify one thing. I am not a wife yet...
Daniel and I met online about 2 years and 9 months ago. About 3 months after the initial greet we fell in love and we met each other face to face for the first time a year after the first hello. We have been together ever since.
In December of last year Daniel had been informed that his company wanted to promote him to a developer (his dream job since he was a kid). The problem was that he would have to move back to Durban, he didn't want to go without me and asked if I would move in with him. I immediately agreed however this was a problem for my Mormon mother who believed that you get married first. Telling her that I wanted to go she informed me that if I do I was no longer welcome in her house. That was a hard decision for me but I have always been one to follow my heart and my heart belonged to Daniel.
We had this terrific plan that I would look for a job once we had settled in but this became a big problem as he got into a car accident on his way to work 4 days after moving. The car was a wreck and I now had no way of getting to and from interviews. We were not going to let this stop us from moving forward. While Daniel was at work I would cook and clean and look for jobs and if I got an interview we contacted everyone we knew to get me there and back. None of the interviews I had gone to were successful as they all required that I have a car. Weeks turned into months and for those living in South Africa will know that to make it you need two salaries.
My mom would call me every now and then telling me that I should start studying again, that I should get a degree... Yes, I agree with her completely. I want to get a degree but in order to study you need an income to pay for it. An Income I didn't have. This to me was a big problem. Not only because I like being independent and financially stable but the house was also beginning to feel more like a prison than a paradise. Every excuse I got I would grab to get out of the house and into society.
After a few months without a car, Daniel finally got a raise and we were able to buy a car on dept. This made life easier especially getting household goods. Around that time I started using Steemit. In the beginning I posted a few articles, some grabbed the attention of @crazymumzysa and she offered to feature my articles. I was so excited because I was making money. Finally after months I felt like I was contributing to our little household. My reputation on steemit was slowly growing and so was my following. I was making money and all was great, but then everything changed.
Crazymumzysa was no longer allowed to feature articles and I started writing on my own wall. For weeks nothing happened then I was nominated by Project Curie. Every time I received a nomination I was so happy. It was only then that I noticed that most of the money a post makes gets put into Steem now.
Yet everyday I get onto my computer, stair at the blank screen and try too make a living. Some days I fail, other days I make a few bucks but I keep trying.
I'm still at home looking for work, cleaning and writing. After months of being at home and writing on Steemit I noticed something. Writing is what I love doing, I love the creativity and pushing myself to come up with something new every day. I love being at home and making sure the man I love is looked after and doesn't have to worry about chores or food (he still does them occasionally because he is a good man that loves spoiling me). I love the fact that I can make money from home and that someday, should we have children I would be able to look after them myself.
Being a 22 year old house wife is boring at times but has it's rewards.
I finally have the time to practice my artistic skills, teach myself how to play an instrument or how to sow. I also have time to study up on things about the world and hopefully soon I will be able to study for a degree in teaching or psychology or both.
Till next time