My everyday life basically revolves around waking up and having a warm shower, having a healthy breakfast and kissing my mum goodbye. I get to school and have great lectures and enjoy my coursemates. After classes I go to lunch with my friends and we talk about the future until evening. I get home by ......
Now the above paragraph ... is a lie. Who has that life??. I ask myself this question as I encounter life everyday and I am quite sure a huge number of us do too. We see a lot of people with branded shirts that say "YOLO"
or 'chasing my dreams' and our Facebook status updates are always about when we get a new car or a new friend or even a new shirt. Now I am definitely not against all of these but I think we should really think about this - "who are we??" .
or footballers or even simply just being plain rich?? Where are those dreams now?? What have you done to bring those dreams to reality?.Growing up I read books from legendary African authors like Chinua Achebe and Chimamanda Adichie.
These people helped me experience the world through their eyes even before I got to experience it in real time. How many of us had dreams of becoming doctors
or musicians
SourcePersonally, I feel a lot of us just sort of "go with the flow", myself included. I wake up each morning telling myself all the awesome things I hope to achieve throughout the day but I find myself not doing up to half of those things. I preach charity, yet I walk past the the less privileged I encounter on the streets. I console myself, deceive myself and say 'oh well maybe I would have some change next time' . But the truth is I definitely should have done something about it.
How many of us actually make plans and actualize them? How many of us are able to hold fast to our resolve when laziness kicks in? It almost seems to me like we do not have strong personalities. We definitely have distinct personalities but how do we use them to get the things we desire out of life? How do we show love to those whom we claim to love?
Parents now were once children. How do you treat your children?? Sometimes it feels like nothing has changed, and we are all making the same mistakes over again. Do you remember when you were 20 and you promised yourself that you'd go skydiving
or canoeing every year ?? Have you done any of those things??
Now I do not have an issue with social media. Heck, I love the internet. But it almost feels like we live online and only sleep on our beds. It is really easy for someone to say one thing one day and do the next the other day and nothing happens. It's how the world works. But think about it, when all is said and done, what kind of person are you?? Do you love genuinely and without constraints? Are you still a surfer or have you drowned in life's ocean??
SourceIt's an internet age now and social media has revolutionized the way we as humans interact.
This really wasn't meant as a motivational post but the truth is 'if you don't take risks and 'just do stuff', you won't get nothing done. Start that project, read that book, show that special someone real love. JUST BE YOU .
Proud of you bro....great writeup
Thanks much bros