Notwithstanding that, Facebook bombards users every day with fake news, non-targeted advertising, "suggestions" about other users they "might know," pages they "might like," and so forth, ad nauseum. I stopped using their site years ago and don't miss it, and feel immensely better for it on mental and emotional levels. The same with Instagram (which is really just an extension of Facebook, owned by them).
It isn't just social media that is triggering depression. I have also virtually boycotted "news" as well, both on television as well as online, and feel better for that, too. Mainstream religion falls into that same category, too, in my opinion, as do other things. We need to be more true to ourselves if we wish to reclaim our shreds of sanity.
Great points and I concur. It's hard to escape the world of social media and i've seen cases of people being there just to drive away the loneliness in their real lives. People let go easily on social media and fall into the trap of instant gratification from likes and hearts on social media.