Bunjee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a high structure while connected to a large elastic cord.
Its an amazing feeling. Bunjee jumping has a way of helping me release alot of bad weight in my life. I love the adrenaline that reminds me that I'm still alive, and the freedom to scream as loud as I want.
As many may think I do it purley out of fun, it actually has an amazing way of calming me down when life gets a bit too much. The older I get the more I realise the importance of finding something you can regularly do to release stress or let go of bad energy.
The photo above is me caught in the moment. I know there's some interesting and sometimes even shocking things people do to release stress. Feel free to leave comment about your experience bunjee jumping, or even share your outdoor activities that help you release stress/weight of everyday life.
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Whenever I see this kind of stuff I always think id what will happen if I try but fear always wins over curiosity..guess have to feel it through people's perfective who have tried it already..#bucketlist #foreverawish #bunjeejumping
Its terrifying standing and looking down at how far you are from the ground. The first time I jumped I needed alot of cheering from my friends. I was almost in tears coz I didnt wanna quit and leave, and that fear you talking about was also at the same time overwhelming... but oh the feeling you get after trying it? ☺you feel brave and encouraged to face more of your fears.
Wow really wish I'll have the courage..Congrats on that one though..admire you for the courage
Do it! I challenge you to face your fear and steem about it! ☺
when you're ready. You could try to take less riskier challenges though like cable cars or ziplines.
I congratulate you already for wanting to try!Hi @maddie30. I hope you take @thelmalera's challenge to do it, at your own pace though 😊
To me it's running, a good run after work really helps you calm down lol, anyway we wanted a selfie of you screaming x)
ha ha ha! Its good to know you run everyday! (thats a challenge for some of us). Il definitely take a selfie next time. Just for u! ☺
My friends and family think I'm suicidal (lol) but it's actually more of the release and letting go of emotions and the feeling of freeing yourself from trying to control a lot of things. And I agree that it gives you a bit of calm when you do stuff like these. Hoping for more adventures for you!Awesome! Congrats on the jump @thelmalera! I haven't tried bunjeejumping but I've taken a plunge (somewhat the same concept with bunjee except that you don't bounce back up, you get swung) and I was slingshot 30 ft. high.
Thank you @arc.angel. You sound very sporty and the outdoor type. If you can get sling shot then you definitely have to experience jumping. You are gonna love it!!
I do love sports and outdoors. seems like it has become part of me.
will definitely try bunjeejumping soon!!
Awesome! Do it and tell me how your experience was☺or rather... post about it!