What do you want from this life? Money, power, fame? Or do you desire health and wellness? The system is corrupt and it's rotten but there is a very small minority of people who are trying to do good and make a difference.
Which side are you on?
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In This Episode:
hello everyone there's a lot of doom and gloom out there certainly definitely on this channel but I wanted to bring a little bit of positivity and I thought that we can just have a chat I don't often do videos where I'm face-to-face to the camera but occasionally I'd like to do so and this time I don't have anything particularly planned I just wanted to have a chat with you one of the things that I've always looked forward to was doing videos because I get to see the comments afterwards the emails that come through it's something very positive to me to know that people are reading viewing listening to my information and it certainly makes me feel uplifted even if the information can be gloomy I want to tell you just a little bit of personal information that you know what do I want my future to look like well I definitely do not want to be living in a big city right now I'm living in Toronto millions of people millions of sheep and ultimately nobody's prepared I'm working hard at it it's taken me a very long time but my goal is to be able to work for myself to have to be lit the ability to work from anywhere in the world to work online being an author youtuber everything else and being able to provide for my family that way I want to have a very simple life I want to grow my own food I want to be able to essentially not have to look over my shoulder for every little thing that I do I want to be responsible for my home and everything else when you're tied to the grid in every way you're always relying on somebody else I would rather be self-sufficient I think it's so important that's why I made it you know a lot of focus on my more recent book I want my future to look bright even when the situation is gloomy I don't want to have to worry about every little thing I want to have my own water supply my own energy supply and everything else and you know I'm in the rat race just like everybody else it's tough it's really tough I mean I work I'm you know about an hour past when the time I should be sleeping right now just doing videos right now I'm just talking because I have to get this off my chest I have to eat these this knowledge this information this this ability to connect or trying to reason with myself essentially that you know what's going to come of all this there is a collapse going on walk around the streets of downtown Toronto and you see a h omeless person at least one on every single corner it's getting really bad yet at the same time you have housing prices which are increasing so rapidly somebody's making money but majority aren't that's a fact anyway I want to have the simple things in life I want a big piece of land I want crops I want fruit growing on trees I want to see sunshine I want clean air I want good health so if you ask me you know what what my list of things that I want in this life that's really that's my list I mean driving a Ferrari around you know if you want that sure by all means please but it's really not a desire of mine I just want the simple things in life I'd like to know what you want I know a lot of people is simply are getting prepared they want their own food supply they have a lot of similar goals to myself many people are further ahead and that's great that's great news especially when you know the situation you know what's happening outs on unfolding and you don't want to be a part of this all this I mean it's a disaster up there so I see what people are doing and I think it's very smart and I respect all of you that get out of the big cities they go into the outskirts or maybe they just go way out into the rural areas either way it's great I think it's a good thing anyway I just want to share my personal opinion I don't normally do these rents like this you know and I just want to share some information so anyway I hope you appreciate that and that's all take care
It is my ambition to do as stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 "to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."
Thank you @themoneygps for your posts, your insight and research.
Agree - leading a quiet, independent life, simple life - everything else is just noise
Hi David, first I don't think your channel is a "doom and gloom" channel, you are just telling the truth the way a lot of us see it. Being an American who vacations frequently in Canada I like your perspective on Canada, because when I am there I am relaxed and seldom see anything all that bad. However I do like to remind my fellow Americans that Canada's environmental record makes ours look good, I don't think people realize how hard the resource industry is on your nation's environment.
What do I want? Basically the same things you do. I am getting there, patience is the main advice I can give people. But my advice goes like this:
-Everyday out loud remind yourself of your goals (saying things to yourself outloud over and over, day after day tends to work, some say this is one of the great secrets of success. I agree, I have had results).
-Everyday do something to work towards that goal.
-Everyday do something to work towards that goal (repeated for emphasis).
-Say no to anything that seems like nonsense, this does not mean you can't have fun and be light hearted and enjoy your life while you are working for your goals. Just don't fall into the "keep up with the Jones's" lifestyle. Don't buy a new car, because you think you deserve one, buy a new car when you NEED one.
-Keep physically healthy.
-Put family first, put faith right next to it.
Thank you from my heart - your daily videos have been a real inspiration and today was no different and great to put a face to a name. I have never understood finance before watching your channel!. I share a lot of your dreams - community is key for me, sharing, loving and connecting, off grid, land, growing, food, sharing knowledge, energised, healthy and loved.
Hi David,
first of all thank you for your competent work you do!!
Maybe you are right, that a independent, "liddle" life is to be desired in this world. But you and me, we don`t have the power to control our lifes. Nobody can control, where he is born, what kind of parants one has and stuff like this. And nobody knows if he will make it through the next crisis.
That is why it is most important to have a eternal perspective (what ever it looks like) in order to have a meaning in live even if it is most tough.
What do you think?
I Want The Same Thing: Out Of The Rat Race! Cheers @themoneygps .
What do i want? Id like about $100,000 on a bed next to a pile of roses and chocolate cake.... is that too much to ask?
go to Las Terrenas, DR, and live happily ever after, to hell with Toronto
The most honest answer is I want freedom and less government restrictions. The government is getting way too big and is over reaching all areas of our lives.
u must go down to get back up again so you have to check your potentials and invest on them. here is a key word to watch: Hormuz
Right now, I'm focused on providing financial and physical security for my family under trying circumstances. Also, as you've said, everyone faces a possible economic and social disaster in the near future, which I need to be prepared for. Your videos, David, help me greatly towards this end.
Thank you so much David! I have been listening to you everyday! I definitely share your views of wanting a simple life and learn self sufficiency and individual responsibility without government interference! Keep up all the great work!
Excellent! Thank you.