When I came to, I was being repeatedly slapped in the face hard while Frank (@frankbacon) was yelling at me, "I do not exist!... You've never seen me!... I am not real!..." I screamed through the sock gagging me, "Mmmmmhhmm." Cynically he states, "Look at you, you look so stupid trying to communicate with a fucking sock shoved down your throat. Where is your dignity kid?" The tears streamed down my face as I sat back defeated.
Frank quickly yanks the sock out and shoves a handful of pills in my mouth keeping his hand there until I swallow them. I practically choking I look up and asked, "Why?" Frank puts his hand on my shoulder and simply says, "Because."
Shortly after Frank unties me he tells me it's time to get off the ship and that he might not visit me for awhile, something about business he had to attend. I didn't understand why he was leaving, we weren't even done. I acted like I didn't give a shit and told him, "Fuck off!" He smiled and flew away.
When I arrived back to my place I could hear my girlfriend yelling at me from the other room about being gone so long. She comes at me, "What the fuck?! Where have you been? So you are just going to take off for three weeks and leave me here to clean up your mess? Look at this place! Did you think that all that blood would just go away on its own?"
I could feel the pills kicking in by this point, I normally don't like drugs, but Frank insists I take them. I looked at Julie and questioned, "Three weeks? I've only been gone for a few hours, maybe a day."
@frankbacon @frankbacon @frankbacon
Holy fuck, that Frank Bacon is rough.....what is really going on💉💊👽
I'm not sure, but I wait. I know that I need to write about what just happened to me.
You need to keep writing about it, I don't think @frankbacon is done with you :p
Hello fellow writer! I love how you bring your words to life, I can see it all happen right before my eyes. Can't wait to read part 4 !! There is a part 4 right ?? Lol well I sure hope so ! God bless :)
Thank you, you are very kind to say.
I've just read the 3 parts and i'm excited to know who the hell is Frank! he can't just leave like this!!
Nice story, keep going!
Thank you. I will continue.
Niice story! Can't wait for the part 4!
I'm new to this site. Upvote my first post and it will mean a lot to me. Thank youu! Nice to meet you and hope we can be good friends.
Of course. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing this post
Thank you for reading it.
good post
Thank you. I hope you enjoy how everything unfolds in the end.
Quite the interesting story. It's been a while since I've delved into fantasy writing. Very well done.
Thank you. I hope you continue to read the next one.
#HolyWah #BearSling
Holy Wah, a Yooper corruption of “wow”, is specific to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Evidently, it comes in handy when spotting a bear.
Bear is a gay slang term. It describes a hairy, heavy-set (sometimes muscular) gay or bisexual man.