The Pink Lifelessons #7 - Don't Let Anybody Dim Your Light

in #life7 years ago

✨Yes, I’m extra. ⠀
✨Yes, I laugh too much. ⠀
✨Yes, I laugh too loud. ⠀
✨Yes, I’m ambitious. ⠀
✨Yes, I dream big. ⠀
✨Yes, I wear colourful clothes. ⠀
✨Yes, I have an opinion. ⠀

And no, you can not dim my light because I shine too bright. For a long time I held myself back because I wanted to live up to others’ expectations and what society wants from me. ⠀

But life is too short and I am too extra. Never let anyone tell you how you should celebrate happiness and life. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻⠀

Don’t let others judge you and don’t judge others yourself. Life is good and we are all here to contribute 💕.