I'm 36 and I'm still not sure of many things myself; one day thinking this path would be great and not a moment later thinking that maybe I want to take another path.
I'm a little bit envious of those that can know for sure they want to do this or that. Its never been that way really with me; its been more of living in the moment, just riding along where the currents in the river of life take me, while sometimes taking charge when I have the desire to.
23... to be young again! :P I don't regret a thing but surely there are some things my older self might have told my younger self - or at least suggested, even though my younger self probably wouldn't have listened.
You'll be just fine whatever paths you choose to take (or not to take), I'm sure of it.
I believe now that those who know for sure what they want are becoming extinct. haha :D I also want to live in the moment and ride along the currents. Thank you!