She had discovered the wind and the road, and in an instant she was a master of time and space.
I gave my daughter about 200 STEEM for her birthday this year. I said, "Now you can get your own car!"
She then explained to me that getting a car was not necessarily freedom, and in her wisdom, she taught me that having a car meant that she would have to get a state-issued driver's license.
My daughter had thought about it, and had figured out that if she were to get a car, then she would have to get insurance, a license plate, and would have to jump through the State's countless flaming hoops to keep the car on the road legally.
She Saw a Trap
She Was Right
I couldn't argue with that logic, really. It was true, the State would allow her to drive a car as long as she could afford to, which meant that she would have to get a job. Then she would have two new masters; the State, and an employer.
A Better Idea
She was way ahead of me. I was still living in the world that I'd grown up in, where a young person joins the workforce and becomes a productive member of society, spending their entire lives working to pay for a car so they can get to work to pay for that car.
In the old world, a smart citizen would rent a place to park that car at night-- a place where they could sleep between work shifts, like an apartment or a house.
Now 'earning their keep', the citizens in my old world would hang on to that car and that shelter as if their life depended on it, and while they may boast of their success, they have given up their lives to support the State in which they reside.

She Chose A More Legitimate Freedom
The scooter.
Here's a motorized vehicle that requires no license. The scooter allows a being to travel freely, becoming a friend to the wind, and becoming invisible to the highway robbers that we call the 'police'.

She bought this little bike with her STEEM, and a real motorcycle helmet to go with it. I wasn't sure what to think of it all until I saw the smile on her face when she took off on it.

So, there she goes. That smile was enough for me to know that my gift had been a good one.
At first I wondered if I had done the right thing, but as I watched her buy this used scooter with her birthday money, I could tell by her expression that something had changed in her life. She was about to be mobile, and was about to become a master of her own destiny.

STEEM is Truly Changing Lives
With 200 STEEM, I changed someone's whole world. With that same 200 STEEM, my daughter showed me that the old version of 'freedom' that I had been taught was just plain wrong, and she demonstrated that there was more to life that planning out one's security using cars and houses and jobs.
I think I'll see her again someday, but until then, I know that I put a smile on her face, she got some wheels, and is rolling right along.
According to physics, 'an object in motion tends to stay in motion', so she might roll by here on occasion, beep and wave, and then go back to the wind and the open road, free in a way that I can only imagine.
I'm thinking now that 200 STEEM was the best birthday gift I've ever given. Her smile said it all.
all photos above are mine, 2018. Thanks for looking in!

click @therealpaul for more
Freedom is something I'm having real trouble quantifying. True freedom, ultimate freedom. Does it or can it really exist? If not then all we have is relative freedom and a constant struggle to become and remain 'as free as possible'. It seems like your daughters been given a head start in that regard and it sounds like its something she appreciates. The 200 steem and freedom to use it in the way she did was an awesome gift but the ability to think for herself and the awareness of the world around her is probably the greatest gift you could have given her.
Hope life is treating you well mate. :)
Well around these parts, the very word 'freedom' has been turned into a trigger word, activating zombies from coast to coast with religious oblivion and blind devotion to something that is far from anything like freedom.
I've been expecting the upcoming generations to create something that we can't imagine, and occasionally I'll tell her so, but she's way ahead of me.
Actually no, you don't need to have a license, registration, or insurance to own any automobile. That is a scam. Free men and women don't need no government issued form of identification. You have the RIGHT to travel vs the privilege to drive. The DMV is nothing more then a lawless racketeering scam run by this corporate fascist government. If there is no victim there is no crime.
All true, it's just not the kind of conversation that can be had on the side of the road with a lore enforcement officer-- the police don't want to hear these facts.
Ha! 'LORE enforcement officer'. I hope you did that on purpose. If you did- you nailed it...
Definitely on purpose, it just sums it up so neatly.
Never had a doubt that you worded that WITH purpose. It really does sum up the whole mess right there. Funny how the actors react when you don't want to be a character in their play. Also funny that they can't compel you least that's how the story goes...
Oh hey... THAT Howie! It's truly a pleasure to meet, and glad you are here at last!
Right back at you bro. I've loved your posts, and your insight. I look forward to hanging out...going to be an awesome time...see you soon.
Paul- Howie, now you met before we came ;) He's been 'playing' around with steemit for a few weeks now, but he didn't want me to make a point of it, he's just working on his photography skills at the moment.
Now I see, a bee, next to a Howie, I should have guessed! Awesome.
A bee next to a Howie, lol! Yours is the first post aside from others doing just photography that he's commented on. He was insisting on staying 'low profile', but he simply couldn't resist when he read lore enforcement HA!
Very smart girl! I really liked your explanation of the way we live our lives.
Kinda says it all!
Yep, she saw right through that scheme, and wanted no part!
I'm proud of her she has found her freedom or folks need to do that thanks for sharing. @therealpaul
Freedom! So good to be amongst Steemians who see and feel the casual oppression that we had taken for granted - up to a point. This is a cute story, I like how light hearted this is yet with some salient points :)
I've been expecting these coming generations to reject the world that we are handing them, and that they are going to make something that we can't imagine instead. My wait is over I guess!
Give and it shall be given upto you, thats what the Bible taught us and you have done this in the best way I can think of. keep on with such good and the lord God will continue to bless your house hold.
I am happy to be in a position to help, and that is the blessing. Thank you!
While I am thankful for my father and the lessons he taught me, I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to have a dad like you instead. Awesome story.
Thanks for looking in!
That scooter looks awesome! Congratulations on raising such a smart kid.
I'm back in the work-force now only because I found a job that I love. Only down-side? It's in the city and I have to drive half an hour each way to get to the train station. But someday we will find a way to live in the city again. It wold mean so much to cut driving out of my life entirely.
Yeah it's spiffy, about a 9 year-old bike, with only 500 miles on in. She picked a good one I think.
O if it's a job that you love, it's not a job, it's called 'enjoying life'. You might find a way to enjoy the drive most days, but it does sound tiring, and time/fuel consuming. Congratulations on that change, sounds exciting.
She is lucky to have such an amazing dad. She has gone wild :P
Thanks! I like to think she think the same! Yeah next she'll join a bike gang, the Little Stinkers or some such wild ones.
See her again ;) Great to see pics of her in her glory!
We will get her to do a drive-by at least, with a beep-beep and a smile, very soon.
Planning our route right now. It's an eighteen hour hike to you, so we'll need to stop somewhere in between- of course I'll let you know exactly when to expect us as soon as I know ;) Still planning to leave on June 4th, can't wait!
I'm excited too, that's coming up soon! I cleaned the house too soon, I'll have to do it again before then ;)
Beautiful! Steem is changing lives... and is able to change with the world, as the world changes.
Freedom is... what we each need it to be!
Yes sir, seen it with my own eyes!
Huh, you've got yourself a very smart girl there. I've had a license for almost a year now, although I don't have a car (nor do I want one). Never thought about getting a scooter, though...
Anyway, good on her for not wanting to become a "productive member of society" in that way!
I came from a world where we couldn't wait to get licensed up and start driving. My daughter likes the driving part of cars, just not the insurance and licensing required. I can see her point.
Oh, I agree! I love driving too, but when I realized how much it costs to keep these things up I was like no way...
When your child becomes your teacher, you know you did a great job as a parent. As someone else said, that was the real gift that set her free.
Thanks! That's a beautiful way to look at it, and I definitely have let her mind be free all along, so that she'd be freed by her will.
Nice gift! After reading this, I remembered a story about a dad and a son giving his car keys inside a book; giving him a lesson to pursue knowledge before fortune. You did it in a different way!
Yeah I insisted on letting her use her own will, and she did! It made us both feel good about it.
This story makes me smile!
It made us smile too! Everybody is happy about it.
Your daughter is smart! She knows how to be "minimalist", not caring about showing off, but about sensations and practicality.

I hate cars too. I'm a moto person. I have also been driving motos since I'm 14 (although you need a driving license to drive something bigger than 110cc).
To be honest, especially in summertime, driving a moto and feel the wind is the most natural thing to do: it feels to touch the real freedom!
I was hoping that you would see this post, I knew that you were a rider. Here the limit on power is 50 cc, anything bigger requires a license. She now knows that feeling that you describe, she is smiling big now. Yours looks like a real motorcycle, with gears and clutch, hers is one gear, and much slower than you! I'm fine with that, she can work her way up to gears if she wants, starting small.
Scooter's don't require a license there? Wow! Here, it does. So, there isn't much freedom there, except for when there's traffic and they weave in and out of lanes. I hope your daughter takes full advantage of her newfound freedom! How much was STEEM when she exchanged it?
Yes anything with an engine less that 50cc requires no license. I'm tempted to get one myself, not just because of the no-license part, but it just looks fun. She is definitely taking advantage, the bike got her back home long enough to meet dreemit and family this week! Oh, the price of STEEM; it was in the beginning of February when I initially gave her 186 coins, because at that time it was worth exactly $1,000 USD. Obviously I should have sold it for her then, but I persuaded her to hodl while she shopped for a deal on some transportation, and the price, as we know, dropped ever since. The price when we exchanged it was just a couple of weeks ago, and I threw in a few more coins to make it an even 200 steem which amounted to just over $500. Yes, I felt bad that we waited, but it was a lesson for us both I guess.
yes, you are 100% right.
Have a good daY..
Thanks for looking in!
I can tell when a post is good like this one. It made me look at things in a different way!
And freedom is something that money really can't buy. For everything else, there's Steem...