A few questions I have already been pondering:
Prophecy being fulfilled? I would like to know your thoughts and the thoughts of this community on what this means, how it will affect our society as a whole and how using cryptocurrency and steem when this microchip becomes mandatory in order to buy and sell? If this chips becomes mandatory, will we be FORCED to get micro-chipped in order to use our steem? If the internet gets banned for the average user, will we be forced to rely on artificial intelligence to get access to knowledge? Is this part of the plans for Agenda 21 and the latest agenda 30? What can we do as a society and a member of the human race to prepare ourselves now to survive in a society that is all about control, power and greed?
Good questions; I would like the answers as well. I grew up being taught the scriptures that describe receiving a mark in the right hand or forehead without which people could neither buy nor sell...
So did I ramseyman