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RE: One of The Most Important Lessons I Learned from Neil Strauss’s Society.

in #life9 years ago

Yup, that´s it! Posts like yours are my reason for beeing on Steemit - Seriously!

I´m truly fascinated by human interaction. I spend a majority of my time learning about human behavior.
Here are some Tipp´s for a Successful Conversation and for leaving a lasting Impression:

  • Just Smile!

The Power of a natural Smile is tremendous! Have you ever noticed that People started smiling, the moment you started to smile? And Smiling is not only making you happier - it makes everyone around you happier! It´s much harder for people to be grumpy with you when you are smiling at them.
So ... are you scared of getting rejected?
Just ...

  • Remember Names

Dale Carnegie (the Author of one of my favorite books: How to Win Friends & Influence People) sad: "Remember that a person´s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language". ... and it´s True! I mean, let's be honest here real quick: If somebody shows you a Group Picture , the first thing you do is to look after yourself - Am I right?
Just call people by their names. It shows that you truly care about them and it´ll make your conversation partner feel as if you know each other for ages.

  • Be a good listener

Way too many People can´t truly listen. People tend to already think about what they want to say next meanwhile, the conversation partner is still talking. Trust me, the guy at the other end will notice it. And I mean .. we all hate to feel like no one is listening.
The Point is, that pretty much everyone out there is not listening properly. Now Imagine how much of an impact it will have on your Conversation Partner if you are behaving differently - if you are truly listening!

Thank you Alien, for raising awareness​ about the Power of Conversations. We have never been this Isolated, although we have never been this Connected.
It´s a shame and I´m totally on your Side!
Sometimes the smallest things can yield the greatest results

Great Post!
I wish you well brother,


I absolutely love this comment! All of it :) Thank you man for taking the time to write it!

ohh... it´s been a pleasure! :D
I´m really looking forward to reading more of your work!
I wish you all the best brother :)