Look, I read the man's article, and yes, you can feel his rage coming from behind the words. But before making comparisons between Christianity and Islam, I think, every person living in a multicultural country should ask themselves these questions: Is the feeling of rage when looking at those numbers legitimate? Is there a solid connection between these statistics and the muslim population? Is the rage that you feel enough to actually be motivated into looking at what are the causes of the increased statistics? Are you level headed enough as to not to blame an entire population for these statistics but at the same time not to be fearful of being called racist/islamophobe if you find that the rise in criminality comes from the islamic community?
Ok, now, about Islam. My opinion is it was never a religion of peace, it always was a religion created for conquest by using subversion when force was impossible to use and domination and enslavement when there was no resistance. Of course, one of the subversive tactics used by Islam is to picture Islam as a religion of peace, all the while shutting down critics that say otherwise, and all the while maintaining its number of followers through threat and social pressure.
Of course not all muslims are bad people. In fact, I'm sure most of them are decent people. But when you follow a religion that is based on writing that claim they are the literal word of God, and from those writings you have Sharia Law - do you actually think that most muslims would follow what they believe to be the law of God or UK's law? (yes I know about that part of the Koran where it says that muslim should follow the law of the land... but the same passage goes next to say that "as long as it doesn't violate God's law, and what do you think most muslims would view as God's Law? Wouldn't that be Sharia Law?)
In the end, you may consider that the poster's rage is hateful. I'd say is fearful of what Islam brings and exasperated at his countrymen's passivity and indulgence, and I'd also add that these feeling are justified.
Take it from a person that lives in eastern Europe, and whose country was under Sharia Law at some point in history. Under Sharia Law we had to pay the jizya that was either in gold or in "blood" (as in if we didn't send gold we had to send children over 10 to be trained as jannisaries in the Ottoman army). Maybe this argument seems old to you and maybe you think that Islam has changed in the meantime, like Christianity did about some of its practices. I'd hapilly hear about how Islam has changed, as long as the Koran is (in muslims' minds) the literal word of God.
Q:How many muslims there are in the worls?
A: 1.8 Billion muslims. Source: Muslims and Islam: Key findings in the U.S. and around the world
Q: How many islamic terrorists are there?
A: There are less then 600 thousand muslim terrorists related to ISIS When ISIS was at it's peak. (2015-2016). Source: Wikipedia: Military activity of ISIL
That makes them 0.3%
Can we analyse a social group or category based on the attitude of 0.3% of them. Considering that the 0.3% don't even recognise the other 99.7% as muslims?
PS: You can apply this same methode with: muslim rapists, muslim criminals, muslim theves or whatever minority you want to emphasize!
I am not talking only about islamist terrorists. I am also reffering to other religious practices that the western world would see as barbaric: such as the general practice of keeping women dominated (through the use of FGM, through the mandatory covering with a hijab/burka, through the practice of wife-beating if she refuses to have sex with her husband, through the practice of rape if the woman is unnacompanied by a man, through the inequal treatment in face of trial (the word of a woman counts as 25% than that of a man))
I am also reffering to the practice of killing homosexuals.
I am also reffering to the practice of treating non-muslims as lesser people, and feeling entitled to rape non-muslim women.
I am also reffering to the practice of enslaving people that goes on still to this day in some fundemantalist muslim countries.
I know that most muslim people don't adhere to these practices, but they do exist. And these practices do follow the teachings in the Koran. I know that most muslims just want to live their lives in peace in their communities, but if such a situation would arise where they would be called to vote in order to implement Sharia Law (which endorses most if not all the practices mentioned above) in a country, would you think that muslims would vote for or against such a law, also taking into consideration that other muslims would call them bad muslims if they wouldn't?
I honestly dubt that when push comes to shove, the average muslim would vote for a secular law instead for what their own religion tells them to be the law of God.
In this case I'm going to take the numbers that you presented as true without fact checking, because in my opinion they are of little consequence for this discussion. And that's because Islam has many more abhorrent practices than just kamikaze warriors of Allah driving the truck of peace into the unbelievers. I'm not saying these practices are done by the majority, and I know there are also differences from countries to countries and there are different interpretations of the teachings, and not all muslims take to heart all the teachings the same. But, in the end, all of these practices are codified in your holy writings, and the continued use of these practices stem from the basic belief that the Koran is the word of God (and you'll find many/the majority/all muslims asking "But if the Koran says it's allowed to do this, and the Koran is the actual word of God, how can the Koran be wrong?")
Now let me ask you, let's suppose that you would live in ...I don't know... pick a "western" country with many muslim that at some point immigrated there, doesn't matter which one... let's say Germany. Would you be for or against implementing Sharia Law there? and why or why not?