Sign The Internet Bill of Rights at WhiteHouse.govfor Internet Freedom of Speech:
Anyone 13 or older can sign or create a petition at
Sign upfor FREEDOM Now!
Offended by the 'words' of another person?
What is the price of Free Speech?
Americans didn't fight and die for centuries to secure the 'right not to be offended'.. but instead gave their lives for the opposite cause.. The Right to Speak their own minds!
In a world without IBOR the exchange of ideas can unaccountably be censored by social media for private interest.
What if censors had to approve of 'The First Amendment - Freedom of Speech'?
Under CENSORship.. a given idea, no matter how innovative or useful, cannot survive (let alone go viral) unless approved by the censors. Internet Bill of Rights! .. IBOR or Bust!
Censorship is the silent conspiracy.
'Freedom of Speech' in today's World.. starts with IBOR!
'Truth' can't survive without 'Free Speech'.
End the conspiracy to silence Americas.
Win the Right to Speak your mind.
---begin Q quote---
This scares them more than anything.
Loss of control.
Use logic."
"Must be regulated to prevent censorship & narrative push."
---end Q quote---
Red Pill 'Wake Up' The World!
Five 'Wake Up Keys' to exposing global ghouls:
Show evidence of what they've been doing to..
Food - Water - Air - Medicine – Children.
Q wants thousands of Patriots spreading the REAL news.
When you start getting flacked, you know you're over the target.
Some examples here.
Q Compilation by Think500 here.
Complete Quotes of Q-anon here.
Many of Q's messages are decoded here.
Video in depth analysis here.
@think500 why signup if i am not from Usa ?
the usa can lern abut you
very true much benefits are we entitled to?
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Because you can change history, and because all world freedom is threatened by the same global aggression.
interesante muy bien
Great work , God bless America and President Trump. Free speech for everyone!
Yea I am sure that the fictive being that some people like to refer to as God, is just dying to bless a country that cant even take care of its own and its misogynistic, racist and bigoted president.
You're merely regurgitating the poison lies of fake stream media, Trump is the first decent human being to occupy the OO in 55 years.
Soon ppl will 'see' what's being going on, and what the POTUS and Mil are doing, which btw is 'saving humanity' from extinction at the hands of a bunch of satanic global ghouls.
You are falling for the statist plot to legislate more.
More legislation = more control in the hands of bureaucrats.
People have rights. Groups do not. Technologies do not. Destroy collectivism and these sorts of economic regulations are exposed as purely exploitative devices used by those who wish to institute corporatism or socialism. Why do/did mafias control the drug, prostitution, gambling, alcohol, smoking, etc businesses? It is due to laws that restrict competition, circumvented by bribing officials and killing those with no ability to appeal to law enforcement. Capitalism is producer accountability to consumers. You cannot sell what is not wanted by consumers unless you create a government monopoly. That is why Steemit is designed as it is.
Speech on a private platform is not a right. What is a right is not being extorted for funds that not only go into the pockets of politicians, but are used for corporate welfare that supports institutions like Google and ISPs who manipulate local politicians to maintain their monopolies. Google wouldn't last if it were not for their established political foothold.
Corporate decisions made on behalf of politics do not increase financial efficiency. Revenues will almost always decrease, thus it is in the interests of the corporation to commit only to the maintenance and improvement of services their consumers expect and nothing further.
Some ancom will now come explain why we need a democratic, but also non-governmental system in which everyone decides how resources are shared, but also the policy is decided by an elite few, and there's no money, cause money is evil, but tokens are used to represent the worth of one's work so a bum-by-choice isn't equal to a hard worker, but also everyone must suffer equally, and we'll have freedom.
The only thing I'm willing to petition the White House is to stay away from my life. Free-speech is not for them to give or take.
'Free Speech' has already been effectively taken, what little remains is actively being suppressed by minions of the global network of evil that is causing the other crippling systemic problems plaguing the human race for centuries. The WH intends to dismantle this crony cabal, bring The First Amendment back, and harden The BOR and The Constitution against future attacks.
The first step to protecting The Constitution from self-serving mutilators, is to restore integrity to the voting system. Think 'back to the future' of paper ballots.
amazing topic to share brother :)
good post
Point of view is really good...
Nice! Upvoted! Check my stream for some Chill and relaxing music
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No, the companies have the right to decide policy on their sites because they have property rights over the hardware. As a guest, or a user, you don't have a higher moral claim to dictate policy on their site than they do as owners. Besides, their bad policies, and alienating conservative groups is what drives people away from their platforms onto sites like steemit, and weakens their market dominance, and encourages competition. We should let them fail, rather than trying to save their dominance through legal coercion.
They don't have the right to distort/deceive public perception/communication for private interest; and they're about to discover this in a most ungraceful manner.
FYI> Try to do some DD. The US froze $12 billion,of Iranian assets in the late 1970's. It took that long to come to a final resolution.
All motives in this matter are standard, pure pork, much fresher and more predictable/anticipated than you realize. Go back to the future to understand current events.
nice post
good to know @think500.How much globally does this cut across?
Real Freedom is the default (only survivable) destiny of humanity. Allowing censorship to continue now amounts to a silent march to genocide/extinction.
The scope of protection IBOR can eventually offer for internet users world wide has not yet been determined, but Americans are on the front lines again, in yet another desperate struggle for freedom from global tyranny. Everyone can help.
Everything is at stake. If the sighted are muted now, the blind will continue to follow the greedy into hell.
The petition is vague and doesn't really offer a bill of rights as suggested. In any case, I'd be more worried about retaliation by the government for expression of dissent. That's what the 1st Amendment is about. Doesn't really matter if the point of view is conservative, liberal, anarchist, or what have you.
I suggest you read this op-ed piece to get an idea of what I'm talking about:
Opinion | Why I’m suing for my right to flip off the president
No harm done by that woman, just an expression of self. Same with Colin Kaepernick. Both are targets of government retaliation directed by the impetuous Donald Trump.
If punishment really teaches a lesson, what did these people learn from The Great Oppressor, Trump? I submit to you that American big business, despite their lofty claims to love free enterprise, would much prefer a docile electorate than an opinionated one. That's a lot less expensive.