Hey, happy birthday! May all your wishes come true.
... so you wish to get some answers. Wow, those are some awkward questions. Nevertheless, I can't resist.
- Your age? Wow, that's a booby trap. Let's say 25.
- Your place of birth? Probably somewhere in the US. Seattle?
- You have brothers? In the plural? Well, let it be 2. That's a pretty big family already.
- Your first song on the ukulele? Mine was "White sandy beach". Maybe yours was "Surf"?
- The Mene credit seemed to be a surprise, so I think they were generous. $50?
- Have you ever been arrested? I hope not. No.
- Tattoos? You are modelling, so I hope you don't have any. No.
- A dish to eat everyday? For me it would be pasta with tomato sauce. You look more like raw apples. No offence meant; at your age (whatever it may be) I was rather slim, too.