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RE: Are You Happy With Your Life Or Do You Think Something Is Missing?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

And you're right, there is so much more to life than going to work and coming home.
It seems like you're an open and social person, so why not try exploring some new interests? You said you have hobbies you enjoy, but maybe what you're missing is something new and exciting. A new sport, a new language, a new destination.
I never went to college and I never intend to, but I always loved learning about psychology and my issues with depression made me incredibly passionate about helping other people.
So me and my best friend started a self-help channel.
Maybe that's what you need as well, seeing as you mentioned making a meaningful difference. You don't have to revolutionize humanity, making an impact on a few people can make an incredible difference and they usually go on to help some themselves.
You blog here seems to be making quite an impact though and your content is very informative, as well as inspiring :)@jasimg what you're describing sounds incredibly familiar and I think most of us feel it at some point in our lives. What we all need to realize is that happiness has very little to do with our situation, environment and other people. It comes from within and thinking about it, as well as opening debates on this topic is a very good way to start finding it.