My Birthday

in #life7 years ago (edited)

It's my Birthday and i cry if i want to.. cry if i want to...

Today i'll be 36 years old around 14u45min (Brussels time).. to be exact.

Nothing to big planned for the weekend, i am how ever going to Praga Khan this evening at TSOB. Finally a real New Beat party for me, it's actually the very first time i feel like i have the lust and the energie for it.

So tonight is party time.. Looking forward to it, let's just get some more rest, it got late yesterday night.


@Thru5th Live Improvisational Music Practice/ Production

Might have to add i make all the sounddesign myself, i hardly ever use a preset anymore to start from when synthesising a lead, bass, pad, u name it..everything but a drum sounds. Which in my case are generated from the Arturia SparkLE 2, a great tool for sculpting beats and rythm of all sorts.

My misson is simply making music and art and making sure that we preserve the history of the mouth harp and the assemblage point. I actually believe the mouth harp might have it's origins with the Bwiti, an African bush tribe. And the assemblage point is knowledge which came from the Yaqui an old Native tribe from Mexico.

More on that later or check my intro blogs, if your too curious. Or just visit or read some of Carlos Castaneda's work ;)


My own Discord group on synthesizers and drum machines:

I'll try and pay more attention the microphone settings in the future, i'm really not used to all this.. I geuss i'll learn as we go on ;) So hold on thight and don't mind the mumbeling, that's just me thinking out loud :p Bad habit; but it has it reasons as i have a curve in my esophagus from birth. Caused by a birth defect at the heart. I always feel like i have to shout if i'm not mumbling and speak up that is. Maybe i'm not cut out to be talking to much during these sessions. Never the less the meaning of the channel is that u folks can follow the process a little, the Arturia SparkLE 2 and M-Audio Venom are great for this, as u can follow these on screen.. It's actually the same method i learned more about sounddesign. Sitting with friends and following what their doing. Going live could actually be a bit more interactive and i should also give that a try. Might be more fun and more structured too.. Looking forward to interact more with u peeps.

Yes i am 5 artists in one, maybe even more... I mostly occupy doing sounddesign so i needed more then one name; one par genre... As this get's confusing i lately use Thru5th (my New Beat EBM name) the most, just to keep things simple. I also play the mouth harp and specialise in organic sounddesign, which i tend to give an ethnic feel.. I love tribal-like compilations; the sound of a real drum or even emulated ones is something that really appeals to my ear. Offcourse this is all part of my niche, Psychedelic / Shamanic / Electro / Dark / Ambient / Dub / Post EBM; or what i like to call Technoshamanisme, but i geuss it's up to the public to decide. I do try to innovate as much as i can, even think it's still possible to create a new style. Even after all these years i'm still developing my own style, so i geuss anything is possible.

I'm currently working on 2 albums one is an Shamanic Downtempo and the other one Post New Beat (EBM) :p these style's will be ever lasting i asure u i truly enjoy making these.

Oh and btw i'm also a beginning and talented stonemason; i'll be showing off some of that once i feel like it ;) But if u want to have a look at what i've made thusfar;

Join me on Dtube and Steemit;

Want more? Go have a listen.

If u like my work and want to support me by becoming a patron;


Or follow me on;

The idea is to buy a 100 vinyl samples and devide them sell em our selves and get more if we want to.. It's 1000 euro's for 100 LP copy's that's achievable for anyone; solo artists do it all the time, why not stick our heads togheter? They'll get around the world much quicker this way.. ;)If u like New Beat and want to compose a record togheter with me and some other New Beat artists, join us on a real Belgian label and send me a message where we can talk things over.. no ties attached;

Btw I am in no way affiliated with Jon Whale, i'm just living proof.. I've been psychotic free for over 15 years now.People who wanna follow in my footsteps as an Ex-Psychotic can visit And learn how to locate and shift the assemblage point.. Tip learn how to see or feel it and you'll be able to shift it for other people too. Or U could also message me on and ask me anything, i'll give u some handy tips on how to 'see' energie..


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If i looked like i wasn't gonna return, then u where mistaken.. I just needed some time for myself after my dog died. Cheers RIP Echo

And my bandcamp URL has changed in the mean time.. U can how ever purchase anything again.