Another member of the "Religion of Peace" showed his devotion to muhammed, disgrace and shame be upon his name, by blowing himself up in New York Subway. Fortunately he failed to detonate his vest. Only injured some people including himself.
Islam needs to be banned and Muslims must convert to another religion or leave America. I am old enough to remember a time when we didn't have this shit. We do not have to accept this horror as "normal". Islam is the problem and getting rid of Islam is the only way free peace loving people will be able to live in peace and security.
Completely agree, they are causing so much harm and destruction. The left has been brainwashed and don't seem to know right from wrong anymore, they ignore all the crimes and call people racists. When the religion of peace is all about pedophilia, rape, murder and destruction.
which islam you are refering at, one that USA is funding and sponsoring, or islam whos fighting against usa sponsored islam?
Saudis or Syrians? Chechens, Bosnians?
Saying simply
means nothing.