for plugins.on chrome, case you're not sure where..
open the "Chrome" menu
and follow the path "Settings" >
Show advanced settings > Content Settings. Scroll to the plug-in you want to control and check there if one you installed is enabled.
the busy site a few on here use it, and it'll highlight a blue circle to show notifies. the site is genuine.
screenshot example
What does a bullet point mean?
It means Steemit should have the option to delete posts and don't post when you're drunk and pissed off kids
Steemit and alcohol seem to go well together in my opinion.
I noticed that there is no editing or deleting here. At least our thoughts will be recorded in perpetuity.
There is editing.. hence the full stops. And yeah totally, but steemit, alcohol and a foul mood just a bad post makes.
Hi @tigerlily321 😀 Steemit does have the option, long as no ones voted on it, the option to delete it, will be there.
useful to know.. i'll have to be quicker next time with my regrets ;)
That's alright 😀 .. also do you use its notification system and more, is better than here. works through steemconnect. When logging in.
oh my, i'm really not too good at computers n stuff ha.. i tried to add a chrome plug in notification thing but I don't think it's worked..
for plugins.on chrome, case you're not sure where..
open the "Chrome" menu
and follow the path "Settings" >
Show advanced settings > Content Settings. Scroll to the plug-in you want to control and check there if one you installed is enabled.
the busy site a few on here use it, and it'll highlight a blue circle to show notifies. the site is genuine.

screenshot example