I hear people saying – you are so strong, we admire you! No. I am not.
I have gone through a lot of problems in the health department. Latest I had yet another surgery and lately another discovery that was not in the menu. At the same time a lot of other problems arise (health of course among others) in my family.
So they ask how do you do it? Well, there is no secret. You just keep going on. You just have no option but to go on. I don’t think it is heroism or strength. It is just survival. What can you do if your faith has brought you to hospitals? When your family is unable to help? When you see no light once you wake up in the morning? Nothing. You just wake up.
And you expect for your luck to change some time soon. A friend once said, you look at the worst and get your courage. Yes, and also take small breaths. Smell the basil in your balcony. Look at a loving face. Talk to a loving face. People are a good source of strength sometimes. Ordeals need a good support system. Also try not to think too much. There is no meaning in overthinking (thankfully we have a lot of gadgets to keep us busy!). Some advice that could come handy:
- Take small breaths of joy – whatever might be helpful to you
- Communicate with people / friends
- Don’t overthink. Thinking is depressing
- Instead do. Clean your house, write a post. Etc
- Don’t over-serf in the internet because news online are rather depressing
- Read a book instead - to take your mind off things - or watch a movie
- Walk. Exercise. I find that gymnastics helps get rid of negativity
- Try to make rules. Boundaries. E.g. don’t hang out with negative people even if they need your help. You can’t help them. You have to help yourself. Don’t overdo or over-give. Take. Pumper yourself. Do only what you like, at the moment you want. Be shellfish (take it from a person who isn’t)
- Get all the help you can. Ask for it. Don’t be shy or shellfish. Now is the time. From friends to pills, just reach out
- When you are about to have a panic attack: take a step back and take deep breaths. Don’t act. Close your eyes and breath. This too will pass
- Pray. If you believe, he helps
On health:
- Doctors are not gods. Think before you follow the advice. Is what he is telling you correct? You are the ones knowing your body. Noone else. Doctors are humaine. Luckily science is very advanced!
- Try to stick to doctors that are people and don’t go after your pockets. These are the 1% of their clan
- Take more than one opinion
- If you have time,a do a little research on the next steps
- Try to avoid far too many pills. Sickness brings pills and they both bring new sickness
- Don’t dig too much. Surely you will find a new problem
- Be organized. Keep a calendar. Make notes. Put alarms on
- Tell people around you that you have trouble. Be truthful. Don’t hide it because the more you hide the problem the more it will expand, and the more problems will come, because people will think you are problemless
Even if one of the above gives you a little positive energy, even for a moment, it will make me happy.
Take care and enjoy! Tomorrow is not certain but today you are here and alive.