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RE: Why Bringing Back The Gold Standard Is Not The Solution To Current Day Economic Problems

in #life8 years ago

Lolz, wow you are an asshole. You think that by throwing a bunch of insults my way and using ad hominem arguments you have won? By reading your comment, you clearly have NO FUCKING CLUE what I am talking about. I addressed like 90% of your bullshit in the linked videos, both of which have thousands of views and are far more liked than disliked. Don't let that bother you dude. I would have actually written you a real response if you had taken the time to look through the information instead of personally attacking me because you dislike my opinion.However you decided to get all butthurt, and act like a four year old who watches too much TDV, please fill this form out and mail it to someone who gives a fuck about your opinion because it ain't me...
