May HER Grace Keep Blessing All Of Us

in #life7 years ago

First off, I would like to wish from the very bottom of my heart Χρόνια Πολλά και Καλά σε όλους τους Έλληνες εορτάζοντες. Sorry if I forget anyone, but @mariossap and @loveisintheair are the ones that pop up in my head right now. I wish you all the best guys :)))))))))

After a very difficult and macabre July for Greece, August seems to be an oasis compared to the previous months. All the incredible success and multiple medals in International competitions for the Greek athletes, the recent release of the Greek military officials from Turkey's prisons and of course AEK's epic qualification yesterday against Celtic are filling many of us with joy and pride, even though they are not enough (of course) to ease the pain from the loss of almost 100 co-citizens nearly a month ago.

One way or another, may Virgin Mary's grace keep blessing our souls and I hope the souls of all those people who lost their lives so unfairly into the fire rest in peace .

Χρόνια πολλά σε όλους!!!!!!!! God bless!!!!!!



Θοδωρή!!! Καλωσόρισες!! Μας έλειψες, αλλά ξέρω πως πέρασες υπέροχα με τον κούκλο σου!!!(έχει και κοπέλα?!αν είναι δυνατόν!χαχα)
Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ για τις ευχές!!!!!😊😊😊
Σου στέλνουμε την αγάπη μας!!( αν και εδώ που τα λέμε γλυκά έπρεπε να σου στείλω! ευελπιστούμε όμως να φάμε από κοντά!)

Καλά όταν λέμε κοπέλα εννοούμε μια χαριτωμένη 5χρονη απο το προ-νήπιο που τρωνε μαζι στα διαλείματα και της ζωγραφίζει λουλούδια στο σπίτι μετά όλη μέρα χαχα. Όχι επειδή είναι γιος μου αλλά αυτό το παιδί ειναι δωρο θεου πραγματικά. Νιωθω πραγματικα ευλογημενος που τον εχω να μου ομορφαινει την ζωη :))))

Ελπιζω να ειχες μια υπέροχη μέρα Μαρια και να περασες υπεροχα. Σας στελνω την αγαπη μου και αντε να δουμε ποτε θα κανονισουμε να βρεθουμε ολοι μαζι απο κοντα να τα πουμε μετά φαγητού και οίνου :))))

thanks a lot ! :)

Που 'σαι ρε μαν? Χρόνια πολλά!

Ελα μπρο μου. Ολα καλα; Χρονια πολλα. Εκανες διακοπες; Πως εισαι γενικα; Το Steem πως το βλεπεις; Θα μας κανει πλουσιους στανταρ ομως 🤣😂

Χρονια καλα με υγεια για την οικογενεια σου μαν! Κουκλος ο δικος σου κι ας μην φαινεται!
Καλο το στημακι μωρε, θα δειξει :P

Ολα τελεια φιλε, εκανα και λιγες μερες διακοπες, θα εχει και συνεχεια το Σεπτεμβρη!
Ελπιζω να ειναι ολα ομορφα! Καλο απογευμα!

Thank you for posting! Following. Hope you follow too. :)

Mary has no power. She can't hear you. She didn't remain a virgin. She and Joseph had other sons and daughters. When you read the New Testament you'll find that Mary is a minor figure. She wrote no scripture. Nobody anywhere says to honor her. Jesus discouraged people from honoring her.

(Luke 11:27-28 NIV) As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, "Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you." {28} He replied, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

(Matthew 12:47-50 NIV) Someone told him, "Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you." {48} He replied to him, "Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?" {49} Pointing to his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. {50} For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother."

May I ask you an honest question? How can you be so damn sure about the credibility of those manuscripts you seem to be quoting here? Were you there to listen to those conversations yourself? How do you know those stories have not been manipulated by monarchs and emperors throughout the ages in order to control the public sentiment?

Have a good day.

Relax playa. Get off this chip from your shoulder and try to enjoy life. You sound angry and constipated

Beautiful Icon. Thank you for sharing this!