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RE: Our Life on Planet Earth: Part 1 – The fear of death and getting old.

in #life9 years ago

Summary by @tldr:

The phenomenon of fear, ,,to be afraid of something" is considered to be the distinctive criterion between the divine and the martial world in the indian philosophy.
Formulated the other way round: If you try and achieve to eliminate the fear of death, you don't have to be afraid of anything else anymore.
And the lack of knowledge in our culture roots in a very simple problem: People don't have the courage to ask those question about death and mortality.
There's also a very interesting quote by Sokrates (famous greek philosopher, 469 - 399 before christ): ,,The whole life is about to learn to die".
I have met many different people, visionaries, seers, witches, fortune-tellers, clairvoyants, swamis, priests, monks, everything you can think of.

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