Ah…New Years Eve Day. In my neck of the woods that can only mean one thing.
The Twilight Zone.
All. Day. Long.
I got hooked as a kid.
Mesmerizing opening music, black and white swirlies, and overacting on steroids—old school like.
Man, it just doesn’t get any better. Ha!
Plus, I’m a total sucker for a twist—the unexpected.
Do you watch? If so, you know what I’m talking about. It’s the land where contorted mouths and pug noses are stunning. A cute kid who has a thing for cornfields, and how ‘bout that wild fiend hanging out on the wing of William Shatner’s plane?
Oh, how I can go on and on. Instead, I’d love to hear your favorite! well-known or obscure?
It's a marathon. Looks like a good 48 hours on the SyFy Channel. That may be a bit too much Twilight Zone even for me. I'll take it in doses.
I totally agree! There were so many good episodes. Well written and made a real point. The Twilight Zone second run of the 1980's though good were not near the quality of its predecessor. I think of the babysitter with the dolls coming to life. I think of The actress who went into the film. I think of the guy that died dreaming of being on the carnival ride. There were so many oh and the one where the man went psyco from a military experiment. So many good ones I think many of them were warning foreshadowing much of today. Thanks for bring these back. Good stuff!
Yes! An interesting commentary on life that may be even more relavent today. The one where they order their new and perfect body when they hit adulthood to look likw everyone else. Thanks for commenting @enjoywithtroy!!
I must admit, the music is familiar, but never have I sat down to watch some Twilight Zone. :)
@lydon.sipe! How are you? You need to watch a Twilight Zone! Some are better than others but they are total classics.
I am so good @tlester! Enjoying time out west with my girl.
I hear a Netflix night with the Twilight Zone approaching...
I have two very memorable favorites:
"To Serve Man"
"The Odyssey of Flight 33"
What are they about?
Watch them! ;)

Oh! I DEFINITELY remember "To Serve Man" Talk about a twist, huh? Did you ever see the one with the lady (Agnes Morehead) was being tormented by little men. Totally rooted for her to get those little stinkers and then...well, that was another great twist! I LOVE how you put the links to watch them, @creatr.
You know how to do that, right? The links thing?
Yes, I remember that episode. I think she went after them with a kitchen knife?
I think so. Ill research how to just to make sure but I pretty much have to implement it more often. Also, kitchen knife. Yes. Haha.
I remember watching it and being soooo scared!!!