Did you ever wonder how would it be like you jump off a plane?
Well i did and that was one hell of a experience.One morning me and my three friends @zakco1994 , Zagar and Tonko head to the airport witch is located in Zvekovec, about 50 kilometers from Zagreb. When we arrived there we had what to see.
Well, the most strange thing was not that.
It was the part when i saw that there is no landing strip for the airplain. I waited about and hour and jumped in the plane .
we flew over the fields for a half hour. I was scared as hell but i didnt want to give up.
So finaly the time has come
aaaand there we go..
First few seconds i didnt know whats going on, i didnt know who i am or what i am.But then i saw the horizon and it was beautiful. My heart wanted to jump out my chest.We where falling about a minute from 3500 meters.
And then it happend
That pokemon on my back opened the parachute and i felt a huge relief, a burden felt of my chest and i was realy happy about it :D
OMG man thats so awesome i wanna try it too! :D
You should definetly try it :D
crazy experience!!
I noga u guzicu je korak naprid
nije valjda da te je nogon u guzicu tribalo izbacit iz helikoptera