The Will to Fight

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Nothing has gone the way I wanted it to, and it never will. The dreams of my youth splash vivid color up against rigid, gray walls of misunderstanding, some of the red is blood from busted knuckles working on my own car.
I have plenty of color and pressure to deface and crush the walls of the establishment with. Why haven't I used my tools? Why does it feel like some things are inevitable? That's the way the design goes- but, no more.

I have drilled into the core of me, and I know now that there is a well to draw from that has no affiliation with the institutions that have commanded me thus far.


Now is the time that I work, alongside so many other brave and determined people, to viciously erupt a loving island of opportunity and progress in this salty sea of old status.
A lot has happened in my personal life, but it's not essential to share here. Today I want to let you know what I am going to put my heart and mind to in the new year, with hope that it inspires you to do the same.
2018 will not be another year of relying solely on a system that keeps most of us under. 2018, I pray, give me the spirit of independence, that I may do the things that need to be done.

I find myself so frustrated by shopping, spending, earning, in all these tired old ways. In the new year I want to be an example of commerce that transcends the paper dollar, and breaks into the currency of the soul, in which, I believe this platform has thoughtfully invested itself.


Join with me in the excitement of having things of our own


I want to meet people I want to travel more in the new year. I want to take up a sledgehammer, bust the old covers, and see the frame of things. That's the way I am about to go into the Whitaker Music Building you can read about in my older posts. We have decided to clear all the old paneling and such, and to build back around it's bones. This is happening eveywhere; old ideas being stripped of their toxic, mildewed, facade, revealing the sturdy bones ready for newness!

My ambitions for 2018 are to bring the beginnings of a community that can come together around genuine, locally-generated, food, art, music, fun, and CREATION.

My passions are making music lessons more accessible, creating a skate-friendly community and building a skate park that is safe and fun, getting rollerskates and skateboards to kids, creating art that can be put on skate decks, making good vegan food, keeping kids invested in appalachian culture and history as it pertains to them, keeping folks in the know about the state of the world.

Nothing is going to stop me in 2018, i will beg, steal, and borrow, until I see the goodness come!!

Love from the dry drifting snow brushing at the warm windows,
tommy in the sun

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Go get'em Tommy! If that desire to travel brings you westward, stop and say hello. I've got a couch with your name on it.

Thants highly likely, goodsir.

Great. In my opinion, Your post is very nice and amazing I think. Your writing is very great and I like to enjoy reading your blog. It is very good to share such info to all of us here. Thank you very much for your effort. Keep it! We will keep on reading your posts and your channel in the future. Have a nice day and stay tune.

I know your going to kill it in 2018. You are a raw soul

I like the photo of the kitties at the desk :P

I found them both good homes, and one was named after me!

Follow these kitties, Thomas, it's princess Lenorka, Dj Arctica and Foofa!

You wrote what I should have written, what I feel as well.

I want to do the same, break the mold of endless torturing labor for the sake of procurement of survival goods. Sacrificing one's health, in the prime of youth no less, for the right to life is an ironic twist the market has thrown at humanity and one I refuse to engage in. I'd rather be financially poor and of sound health than the other way around.

Cheers to you and you post, your message, and your view on life. I wish you the best on your life journey, friend.

Pleased to be able to pluck the string for you. I wish you all the best, and better can do well to check my blog on "the power of time", it tells a lot about freedom in some few paragraphs.

You're right on your way with this post.... At this moment in time at $215.53.... only a few of these a week and you certainly can do whatever the hell you want with all that $$. Spend that $$ on things that can help you break free.

All the things you mentioned you would like to accomplish in 2018, are things i also aspire to achieve in due time; self sufficiency in everything... from food for the body to food for the soul and mind.

Steemit can help us all get there eventually. Persistance. And a little help from others never hurt. Good luck next year.

Isn't it amazing.

Incredibly. Steemit is great! Get the ball rolling and don't look back..


Solid fuckin post Tommy. I hope 2018 reeks limitless opportunity\self fulfillment upon you! I'm sure you blew many people away with this unfiltered glimpse into the life of "Tommy Machine-gun Dallas".

You have a gigantic heart that your body can hardly contain, and I hope Steemit aids you in spilling that shit out for more people to see\engage with. Love you man! I hope all of your dreams and future projects surpass the light of day!

Good to see many people changing and aspiring to do better in 2018, to improve on what they did wrong in 2017. I hope that your goals are achieved in 2018 and remember to never give up.

Appreciate it.

Believe you can and you are half-Way there! Wishing you and all Steemitians a sparkling 2018 🎊

Great post! Keep on going. 2018 will be your year :)

I really loved your picture with cat. Looks very cute :P Best of luck for next year ( 2018 )

Hey tommy, this is lil joey.Add me buddy & congrats on the ballin' post!

Good read. I think I need to do much the same

What a touching read! 📖 great that you are willing to open up this much to us stranger Steemians. I appreciate the sentiment in your story, I think all of us have felt something we can identify with. Great photos 2 btw! They add a good lot to the story. 📸 x from Amsterdam. Take care 🌇

We face challenges difficulties and the first step is to realize that we will rise from our situations and 2018 is our year to make it right. Work on your passion and wish you success

Its like learning to skate or ride a bike- the bruises, cuts and scrapes, are part of the progress. Thank you

You are capable of making it happen.
"The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."

Imagination! Yes! We got to keeep it intact, keep it wild!

What a great spirit :)

Youe dreams should be your key to motivatiom in life, keep up!
You just got yourself a new follower.

Thank you!

Exceptional photography and excellent article …

Love all your beautiful pictures, even the kitties and pup look so good :)
Looking forward to more of your posts
Happy New Year

leisure time is the best time.

Leisure time should be a right

I like your work keep it up. I am new here so please guide me follow me.


@tommyinthesun good to do what your heart mind only direct you the right direction...
Wishing u a lovely 2018👍

Heart and mind

Listen to Heart whatever wanted to accomplish. Mind just to guide yourself on way to accomplishment.

In my own experience; you can do all these things and more, but don't spread yourself too thin. our resources are limited and we must have some focus. a few things at a time and not all at once.....don't worry if it takes you until 2019 to get to some of the things on your list. good luck!

Thank you. I want to feel like its skating haha

We share so many dreams and desires, unfortunately for me it is almost impossible. Things from the country's economies. But I will really collaborate for the realization of yours I follow you friend and I would like to live my dreams through your publications in Steemit. I will live my dreams through your eyes. Take care and good luck happy year 2018.

I'm sure 2018 will be a great year for you good to see you posting again @tommyinthesun

Nice post. It is an interesting one for the entire steemians. God job, keep it up. I follow and upvote you.

2018 will rock for you, i am sure! Great post!

Fantastic words, and a great attitude. I would say, "Good Luck," but it's obvious that you're not gonna need luck. ;-)

All the best to everyone for what's gonna be an incredible 2018. It's gonna be one-of-a-kind!

Beautiful writing, and photos. I feel your vision is strong. Let’s use the now growing days to make more of these dreams come true!

Well said friend! I mean really though like I just read what is going through my own head. Sounds like you have a great idea of the direction your headed this year and from now on and I wish you all the success. I’d love to calab with you about that skatepark idea funny cause I was thinking the same thing just this last summer and ways I could use my energy to help give back to the community. Wish you luck friend!

Where are you from?

Nm, it says Lawrence ky. Yeah. You should def stop in when ur in the area.

From Kentucky up in the Northern Regions haha. We've got some friends in common on here who told me to look up your content @modernnomad, @intrepidthinker. Thanks for replying to me hope too see you around.

"I want to take up a sledgehammer, bust the old covers, and see the frame of things" -- love this line! so cool. i'd love to make some custom illustrations for your writing sometime, if you're interested!


"Nothing is going to stop me in 2018, i will beg, steal, and borrow, until I see the goodness come!!" I've been trying to come up with a good mantra for 2018 for the past few weeks and haven't come up with anything that I really loved. But, I LOVE this!

My husband and I are in the midst of a five year plan to pay off our debt, sell everything, quit our 9 - 5 jobs and move onto a boat to experience smaller living (with way less stuff!) and a bigger life (with way more experiences!). And 2018 will be the year of begging, borrowing and stealing to see our dreams come true!

Wishing you a happy, healthy and adventurous 2018, full of the things and experiences that make your heart happy. Thanks for the inspiration!

Best of luck and outpourings of love!

wow this is really where i feel i'm at right now. Nothing ever happened the way that i wanted. So i was in acceptance, but why not hoping one more year that something will be different? I'll be your pal on the way and hope we'll change something this year. Great post and you're not alone. I'm on the same ship with you.

The only thing stopping you in 2018 will be you. The system doesn't kept us down but rather allows us to be lazy and subdued.
Read this post every morning in 2018 and it'll surely be the inspiration to get stuff done.
Thanks for letting us in.
Now go and be GREAT!

Agreed, friend!

Hi @tommyinthesun,
What a beautiful piece of writing and a great post on the philosophy of LIFE.
Will power is the only thing which can stop the death means will power is directly proportional to Life. Life seems very beautiful but remember it is not so easy. It always teaches us lessons and playing as the biggest teacher on the Earth.
Shining Sun is giving the message of hope in this picture

Thank you so much for giving us the motivation through your impressive story.

Keep Smiling and My best Wishes are always with you.

Stay Blessed!

Its hard sometimes, but I'm focusing on trimming away the things that dont serve the vision. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

Please resteem or promote to finally a good witness that cares about this platform and isnt afraid to stand up to berniesanders....haejins followers upvote my posts and resteem....
.if your a whale or dolphin delegate to me your SP so i can stomp bernie aka justin for good...i delegated all my steempower to haejin already im weak13

You can definitely do it man, you got to go for it!

good article dude.. very fun to read!
maybe you want to check my blog.. keep in touch

very much like to be able to take a picture like this, angel picture can also, really very beautiful work @tommyinthesun .
I will be resteem, please check

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excellent! I love reading your articles

Stay strong.Greater days ahead in 2018.Happy new year in advance yall.!!

To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong :) , stunning shots too btw ^

Believing that everything is possible is the first step to success. My favorite phrase is (if you are passionate, you will achieve it)
Thank you for sharing this great post

Excellent Article!Beautiful click. Thanks for sharing.

Very nice artical and photography..thank you for sharing... @tommyinthesun

Wow, what an impressive post. You really put soul and thought into this work. Very passionate and something I aspire to achieve someday. Much props for pulling this off and may your content continue to thrive in this community.

Some of my cool photos over the holidays:

Awesome post, all you have to do is believe, then you can achieve.

Thanks tommyinthesun. I always feel smarter after reading your posts. Please keep sharing your thoughts. interesting post

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