
in #life6 years ago (edited)

I am on holiday right now and one thing I was looking forward to was flying to my destination. I really like flying, I love the whole experience of it. Today however I had a new experience, a sense of perspective. It was unlike any other experience when flying previously. When you look out of the window and gaze upon the earth some 40,000 ft below, I at least cannot help but real sense of how small and insignificant all of the problems that seemed so big truly are.

That if you take a step back and see what really matters most of your worries disappear. I imagine it’s a similar feeling to what astronauts aboard the international space station feel when gazing at the earth from that unique vantage point, But to a greater extent of course. I find often though that taking that “Step back” from time to time and gaining a real sense of perspective is one of the best things you can do.

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