
There are some attempts to create networks via line of sight, mostly FMRS or FRS radio, which are public spectrum. Qortal and Beechat come to mind. There are other options. The Cult of the Dead Cow began researching using obsolete satellite dishes that could use microwaves to communicate up to ~10km, IIRC, but I don't think they ever got much further than testing a few prototypes.

I also recall some years ago a crypto that intended to develop a satellite network to build a free and independent global communications network was created, but I haven't heard anything about it since then. This was before Starlink was proposed. There are some competitors to Starlink, but they are all just as privately owned as Starlink.

I have proposed piggybacking on various mesh networks (LoRa, Bluetooth, and others) currently being implemented by various manufacturers for use in refrigerators, microwave ovens, and all sorts of appliances most people have no idea are surveilling them, basically all 'smart' devices. Piggybacking on such proprietary mesh networks is at best a temporary option, while they aren't secured from such use and depend on obscurity as security. That won't last long.

Some kind of mesh network that has no centralized servers is necessary for any kind of censorship proof network. Bad actors can infiltrate networks to execute censorship if the network is centralized, even if they don't own the node, so a mesh network is necessary to enable free speech by enabling communications to route around censored nodes.

Just as it enables security from censors, mesh networks enables security from armies, bombs, and tyrants with military force. Without a central hub to control, the distributed mesh network can't be killed by attacking any particular node. Of course this doesn't make mesh networks invincible. It's just necessary to attack all the nodes, or at least a majority of them, to break the network. That was the whole point of the internet when conceived by the US military.

The US military was once considered the guarantor of free speech, but this ignored the fundamental need for covert communications of the US military, and today that need has risen to encompass controlling all communication, because the same DARPA that conceived of and funded the internet conceived of and funded the Covid19 plandemic and the GMO jabs deceptively justified by that psyop. The extant internet is inherently hostile to free speech today, because the US military is. In fact, I will argue that all national polities have been infiltrated and corrupted by the WEF (or what it represents, the NWO), and this transnational megacorporation is undertaking the conquest of the world by deception, which requires preventing free and forthright speech in every jurisdiction on Earth.

If we want free speech we'll have to create - or commandeer - the infrastructure that enables it ourselves, and secure it from deceivers that pose as defenders so they can't betray us from within. We need a global network that cannot be used to prevent encrypted communication from being transmitted and received. There are various potential mechanisms for local networks, and a few for global (even interplanetary) networks, and IMHO the best solution will be multiply redundant and use all potential mechanisms, from literal smoke signals to ELF to piggybacking on and commandeering proprietary networks. The more routes around any single attack communications can take, the more secure and free speech will be, and the more secure and robust transacting will be.


Edit: I just realized you may interpret my reply as unresponsive to your question, because I didn't even mention money. Money, even gold, is just a means of communicating value in order to facilitate exchange. We can't transact if we can't communicate. The problem of securing financial transactions is fundamentally of securing free speech. I reckon there will always be a need for gold buried in the garden, too.

Great knowledge. I still have a helium miner doing something or other.

Haven't checked for a while, in case I get
filthy rich .

You should check every now and then, in case it mines a block and you could buy a car or something.

It seems to be mining IOTA

Maybe I need to upgrade the firmware.

Well, Iota has >4x Hive's market cap, so I hope it's been making you lots.