We’re so much more than worker bees for the so called elite, carrying out all the jobs they don’t want to do themselves. Can we really expect to be truly happy being woken up by an alarm at 6.30am, rushed into the shower, then straight into commuter traffic on the way to a job to earn money for somebody who doesn’t even care about you? Of course this doesn’t apply to every single person or employee out there, and if you have found a job you love doing then great, I feel that is the ultimate aim where we make work our passion in life so it doesn’t even feel like working. We do it because we want to do it and not because we have to. I have to generalize this point because it is true for billions of people. That Sunday dread feeling of going into work the next day, I was even very sensitive to that as a child and I remember feeling uneasy on Sundays, I obviously didn’t even work at the time I wasn’t old enough, but maybe I was picking up on the collective fear energy of a looming Monday morning?
The solution must surely lie in not accepting this as our lot in life, and also developing the will and desire to want our lives to be more about living and less about existing. I think as a collective we are so downtrodden and tired of it being this way that people do not have the energy to even start thinking about change. I understand that, especially if you have children and bills to pay. But things will only change if each and everyone of us says enough is enough. Otherwise all we are doing is ensuring our children will experience the same fate. Each generation has a moral obligation in their timeframe to ensure the next generation has a higher pedestal to stand on. Indeed in Native American culture they used to think in terms of seven generations ahead, this generation barely thinks of itself! This has not happened enough in previous eras, things have been left to slide and look at the mess that has been left. Well I don’t know about you but I want to help end this once and for all. I want to be part of the beginning of a change never seen before on this Planet, the time is right because people have had enough. That excites me and it should you, just to be able to look at any child I may have in the future right between the eyes and say to myself that I did everything I could to make their World a better and brighter place would mean everything to me. If I can say that at the end of my days then I will be a happy man.
Yet for so many that thought hasn’t even crossed their minds, and some of these people do have children and grandchildren, its much easier to just ignore everything and pretend things aren’t on the slide because that then excuses them from taking any action. Well to those people you DO have a moral obligation to fulfill, you can call me arrogant for saying that but it’s the truth whether you want to hear that or not. Who are we again as human beings to allow this on our watch? People need to get angry about this situation, and transcend that anger into positive action to effect change. We are all those ripples in that pond, how is your ripple? Have you even cast the stone out yet?
Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage
I threw so many stones , it created a little island .. i live on it , very peaceful there ;-)
As a working-class factory operator the pay is just enough to let it linger . Change is held up as a carrot you will never get .
O lord look at what they have don to me .
They build me a prison and tried to make me follow the white rabbit .
I am so sorry , but i failed at my own domestication .
Sometimes i wonder , would i be better off ignorant short-sighted an domesticated like the masses are ?
Free will made me a unwanted person among the masses ;-)
My rep. is hard to handle or control , likes to keep an equal balance , and always gives more as he gets .
Change you speak of ? is for many a fight against windmills .
I fight for change as a free spirit in a enslaved body .
Because i do hope that i or future generations can finally drop those shackles .
Peace to all .
Well said. We must do for future generations!
What a great post. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, you're welcome
Love this post so much Tony! I'm one of those who just couldn't take it any more. Working for someone who could replace you with an instant and don't even care about you.
80 % of the working population in Sweden is not happy with their job. And I think it looks pretty much the same in other countries.
We need to start thinking about what is important to us. And doing that is hard, it's painfull and it takes energy.
But it will change your life.
You will stop consuming rubbish, think before you go on a shopping spree and start care about your life more.
This post deserves all the attention it can get so I'm resteeming it :)
Thanks Nicole yes its so true, people are just going through the motions day after day its sad. Sometimes taking the plunge and doing what you really want to do is not easy, and you may even earn less but ultimately its worth it. Glad you semi escaped the Matrix ;)
If money is your goal in life then you haven't figured life out :D. So earning less should never be a problem. I used to have a colleague who outsourced pretty much everything in her life. Everything from dry cleaning to food bags delivered with "pre-prepped" food (it's a thing in Sweden). I'm all in for life-hacks that makes life easier but if it means that you spend more than you need and more untill 12.30 pm then maybe you should stop a momement and think again about what you are doing with your life.
People are so in to the matrix so they can't see any other option :)
You just inspired me for a new post this week :).