Think about it logically when the Earth was created, and we can argue until the cows come home how that happened, whether it was some kind of Deity, God, or a big bang is really irrelevant. My question is what the Hell are we even thinking? I mean here we have a World segregated by imaginary lines in the sand decided some time ago that not everyone even agreed to?! Its absolutely barmy that we are penned into these imaginary pieces of land called Countries.
Then the absolute rigmoral to cross one of these imaginary lines, passports, border control, pat downs, now biometric identification techniques where they can read your iris, fingerprints, and no doubt soon enough your butt hole! Oh but we're free don't you know? All in the name of national security! Just in case the scary Muslims come and try to force us to eat Halal meat and worship the Qu'ran! Media propaganda at its finest!
Of course we all know why its like this, think about it, if you're in the States and you travel to the UK do you generally want to start a War when you go? Likewise I'm in Thailand if I cross a line in the sand and go into Malaysia do I want to start trouble? Of course I don't, generally people want to get on in peace and harmony, but those that pull the strings in this World don't want that, they want us all divided and at each others throats so they can run off in the other direction with the swag bag! How much longer are we going to fall for this crap?
Just by the grace of being born on this Planet people should have the natural rights to travel freely without any restrictions or issues, any kind of restrictions and issues on our rights to travel means that we are not TRULY free. Especially if some citizens have more rights than others, for example Im a British citizen so I automatically (because my parents fucked once on that piece of land) have more rights than a person from say Cambodia. Now if my brother or sister from Cambodia (thats how I view other people) have no or limited rights to travel then none of us are free! If it wasn't so tragic it would be funny. Dont even get me started on the mental disease that is patriotism, Il leave that for another blog!
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Tony Sayers,
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Amen to that!
Heres hoping.
Justice requires borders. Without borders, there is no incentive for a people to work and fight and give their lives to build a way of life for themselves and to establish order and to allocate property rights among themselves. Without borders, people who fail to establish a functioning society have no incentive to fix the problem; instead, they just leave it and invade the territory of a people who have succeeded in creating a well functioning system. Without borders, everywhere becomes frontier, and humanity finds itself on a worldwide battlefield, on a frontier where various factions compete to seize territory. Without borders, race becomes the border and the color of one's skin becomes the flag of your allegiance.
The idea that humanity would be better without borders is equivalent to the idea that we would be better off abolishing, and rebuilding from scratch, all of the order that so many people lived and died to create so that we would be able to enjoy an "ordered liberty".
The idea that humanity would be better off without borders has got to be the STUPIDEST idea that I've seen yet on steemit.
What Carlos Santana is really talking about is justice. Justice for Mexicans and for North Koreans and for Chinese and for other peoples who are trapped within the boundaries of FAILED SYSTEMS will not come from abolishing borders. It will come from people operating from SUCCESSFUL SYSTEMS like the United States of America to use the Internet to empower individuals worldwide so that they can overthrow their opporessor governments and clean their own house.
Spot on, I think about that every time I travel. Passports are an awful invention, and a constant reminder that we are anything but free. It just depends on where you were born whether your leash is a little bit longer...
I recently had to do a 7 hour minibus run from Thailand to the Malaysian border, cross over and then come back in again just to be 'allowed' another 3 months in this Country. Its absolute insanity and people think its normal!
It's the same where I live (Panama). You have to cross to Costa Rica for 72 hours to come back again. It's total stupidity. And the questions at the border "why are you here"? "It's none of your fucking business" is what I want to say, but that will get you arrested (especially in the US).
I get so angry if I have any problems at borders because I know its such bs. Like you I really need to reign myself in otherwise you end up in more trouble so you end up conforming like the rest of them! Frustrating to say the least!
Most people are either no smart enough nor have the time to think about such things. Sad but true.
So well done on being part of the modern enlightenment.
Read #homodeus if you haven't already! Great book
So damn SPOT ON, sir!
It's funny how all these "closed border" people all claim they advocate freedom, 'cos otherwise Islam..well, you obviously know how the BS goes....on the other hand I see it in my country a lot, many people see the EU as a good thing because they supposedly "abolished" borders and they welcome supernational institutions, and that's how they divide us, using all these fake paradigms ("Internationalist" technocratic society and authoritarian "nationalism") that are really two faces of the same coin : totalitarian rule over the world population.
What about FREEDOM, guys?! Everyone seems to be so scared of being able to live freely...
Exactly then people arguing about what penn others belong in, and what people are allowed in THEIR penn. I imagine there is some kind of alien race somewhere looking down on all this insanity having a big fat belly laugh. We surely must be the cosmic joke right now.
Freedom requires order. Your freedom is hollow if you must spend all of your time and resources protecting your loved ones and retaining possession of your belongings. An old saying goes, "Good fences make good neighbors." If you don't see this, try living in a sleeping bag in a homeless encampment. No fences there. Nothing to keep some asshole from taking your sleeping bag when you leave for an hour to escape the stench.
Live in a homeless encampment for one 24 hour period, and you will understand the need for fences, for law and order, and for armies and police and government and nations.
Yeah yeah, freedom-loving people have caused obviously the situations you describe...damn human race! So disgraceful! I mean, thank God for the state and the military, keeping us safe from our fellow beastly human beings, only capable of killing each other. Thank god we are still subjected to dark occultists philanthopists that are really our betters, and will take us to the perfect society they envision, based on the perfect symmetry of the just keep on be a good slave, and your masters will take good care of you, they for sure have homeless people at heart for one, don't you worry about that....
Work for justice. Work for liberty. Work for empowerment of the people. But be smart about it. Abolishing national borders will not get you there. It would turn the world into one big frontier in which various cultural groups would essentially start all over, each seizing territory in the hope that its people might live in peace.
I also envision a world without borders (in a sense). There would still be territorial governments using force to impose order on territory delimited by fences. But individual human beings would be so empowered through online communities, sovereign States on the Internet, that humanity will be able to reduce the role of the territorial governments to a role comparable to large property management firms.
IOW, the solution that I envision does not involve the destruction of property rights, including the right of a culture to seize territory for itself. My vision would accomplish the same goal (justice) by empowering every human being on the planet so that the territorial nations would have to compete with each other to attract residents.
It's ovious that if, so to speak, the switch will be turned off right here right now, there will be chaos and mayhem and all these things, but it's easy to say that's "humanity's" fault, without considering the deep programming we have been subjected to. That said, most of the people who are forced to migrate don't do that because they fancy it...they'd stay the heck in their own land if they were left in peace, while instead our controllers are causing all these wars and plundering to cause social and racial tensions in the west for their own agenda...never forget that.
Your remarks align well with my own thinking. But however you understand the evil in human society to operate, the important question is, "What are you personally willing to do about it?"
I have a plan that fully respects everyone's rights, including civil and property rights. My plan is lawful, simple, effective, and fun. When will people say, "Show me." and then, after being shown, say, "Count me in!"?
We had no fences, no walls and no locks on our doors where my family came from. No one stole from us and we shared with our neighbors. But maybe that's hard to understand in the West
I began life in a town like that. It is the way that it should be. But to have a town like that, everyone in the town must be united and strongly bound together by culture and language and world view. To have that kind of harmony, you basically need to have only one race, only one religion, certainly only one language, and only one political viewpoint.
When you put different cultures together, they clash. There are powerful fundamental reasons for this. "Multicultural society" cannot work without becoming a police state, which burdens both liberty and economy. That is why each culture throughout human history has seized territory for itself.
Order is, per se, a good thing. If the current order is unjust, focus on making it just. But do not revolt against order. Abolishing borders would be stupid; it would harm many people.
That's interesting, where we grew up, it was a variety of religions with Muslims, Hindus and some other faiths. But they did have the same values. They all respected and cared for their neighbours.
If we cooked something special, we would always share it with our neighbors.
Maybe we should study why one society lives together while others feel the need to keep high fences and a hand gun
I think that the key is to understand that "ways of life" cannot compete for control over the same physical space. Think of "way of life" as the protocol by which individuals and groups interact with one another. As long as everyone agrees to conform to the same protocol, peaceful and mutually beneficial coexistence is possible.
For that to work, the distribution of property and of economic and political power must be just. If some groups are oppressed and other groups are privileged, then there will be trouble.
Have you read Homo Deus yet? I am reading it now it goes through these issues and looks at it from a historical and scientific perspective
That´s why we are doomed, when aliens visit us.
They even won´t understand what a border is.
We still think inside our box and won´t be able to change that.
That´s a pitty but it´s a fact...
Maybe in 50 or 200 years the world will try to stick together for the rescue of mankind...
But to be honest... I don´t think that will happen....
I think we're the last place aliens would come to visit us to be honest, they're probably laughing at us in another parallel Universe like soe kind of reality TV show!
Hmmm not so sure about that.
We´re in a quite comfortable zone in our solar system.
The habitable zone is a rare state in the universe and could definitley attract other species.
We got everything you need: Water, Air, Humus, Day/Night cycle, mild temperatures.
And that´s why I would visit the small blue planet.
But you are right with the point, that they would laugh about us.
They even won´t understand what we are doing.
It could be like you and me, staring at an anthill ;-)
It's such a convoluded mess. In a scarcity driven system of legalese, borders are required to keep the show going. Taking borders away like that would not be a great idea as long as the other mechanisms stay as they are because to me borders are in themselves a symptom, nothing more. In a world where we remember our rights and communicate to one another directly, borders will be nothing but a sorry remnant of times when human beings had no clue who or what they were.
I really hope all borders can fall away in our lifetimes - if the rest of the prerequisites are accomplished as well. I also wonder how real we should take them. Maybe it's not the controllers' fault for introducing and maintaining them, but ours for consenting to the idea.
Yes I have to say its down to our acquiescence as always sadly, and until enough of us in huge numbers at least start to question things like this then we will always face an uphill struggle to be free!
agreed <3
Wow brother, I can see @jamesc spotted your great work!
So proud of you :)
Keep them coming, this is just the beginning!
Thanks and thanks @jamesc
I could not agree with you more. I really don't like the fact that we have boarders and we alienate ourselfs to others. We are all one and the earth should belong to everyone
The more you think about it the crazier it sounds!
Couldn't agree with you more. Sorry about not reaching out on my vacation btw. There was no time left for Koh Samui. But me and hubby will definetly go and stay for a longer time so I'll let you know when the next trip is booked =)
Most people don't really think about it that much so they just accept what they are told. The more you study it the more you realize how stupid it all is. Unfortunately only Anarchists and Geographers really think about the imaginary lines much.
Yes its frustrating to say the least!
Good question. Ignorant answer. (You got my vote for posing the question.)
If you want to know what life would be like without borders, review any of the "warlord periods" in recorded history. Warlords are what you get when there are no warlords. Borders are what you get when one warlord succeeds in becoming a king by conquering his neighboring warlords. Nations are what you get when kings become weak and stupid. Global war and nuclear detonations are what you get when the people of each nation become weak and stupid. Warlords are what you get the day after the nuclear detonations. (And the cycle repeats.)
Those who don't know history are not only doomed to repeat it. They are also doomed to be ridiculed on steemit. :)
Thanks for your input however I don't agree with it on this occasion! :)
My intent is friendly and I welcome your post. But the idea that humanity doesn't need fences (or borders) seems so naive to me that I would in a friendly spirit challenge you to explain how things would work.
Please pick a particular border that you would do away with, and we can discuss what the effects would be. Or frame your response in some other way. But don't just say that you don't agree! Explain why!
Interesting perspective. I haven't really thought all that much about borders specifically but fences really bother me too.
Open air cages!
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You are truly woke! Welcome to the enlightenment. If you haven't read #HomoDeus you should!
Thanks, good article.
Border is the place where two country divided in two ....
Example of pakistan and india
Borders have existed since the beginning of times - Attila the Hun, etc
That's not true, is it? Do you even know how long passports have existed? If there were no passports until a few hundred years ago, how did people cross these "since the beginning of time" borders?
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