They are feared for performing the most macabre and terrible acts, murder their enemies, murder for money or simply for revenge, drug trafficking, extorting innocent people and are hired to chase after innocents, these are the 7 most terrible gangs in the world. Let's start.
United bamboo
It is a clandestine group located in Taiwan, have at least 10,000 members and are involved in drug trafficking, smuggling of people and actions to silence journalists in remote places like the United States, generally if something is illegal they do. In addition, they are allies of the Japanese mafia Yakuza one of the most dangerous in history.

First command of the capital (PPC)
It is a Brazilian gang that was formed in 1993 by eight prisoners, has become a band especially known for the ability they have to organize criminal activities from prison. Since 2006 more than 300 attacks against public facilities were attributed to the CCP. They are also relatively well organized and band members are required to pay a monthly fee, the money is used to buy weapons or any other type of objects that facilitate illicit activities by the gang.

They are deadly enemies with the Crips gang. Bloodz come from Los Angeles and its characteristic dress color is red. Started in the early 70's were growing over the years, members of this band are known for being intrepid. They also like to collaborate with other gangs to carry out joint work, especially drug trafficking. The only way out of this gang is with death.

Gang created in the 60s by two teenagers of 16 years. Originally linked to other, stronger bands, they grew rapidly and became one of the most dangerous gangs in the United States. The group has about 300,000 members across the country, both in and out of jail. They dress in blue and are mortal enemies are the Bloodz. Some say there are many internal struggles, beyond the fight against other gangs, the Crips still struggle with each other. As a result the famous rapper Snoop Dog has several friends in this gang.

Is a terrible gang in Kenya that can be found in the poorest areas of the country, especially in Nairobi. The gang was formed in the 80's and since its creation has become famous for its extreme violence and for its opposition to Christianity. They practice the most violent and terrible murders, often resort to mutilation and even manage to kill members of the forces of authority in the country. Mungiki's control is over many poor neighborhoods where his own law is enforced.

The Aryan Brotherhood
Is one of the most dangerous gangs in prisons in the United States, although it does not have many members, it compensates in violence only represent about 1% of the prison population of the United States, but only this gang commits more than 20% of The murders that take place inside the prisons. To belong to the gang is obligatory that the new member has attacked another prisoner and, of course, has to be white and racist.

Mara Salvatrucha
It was a group of Salvadoran gang members who emigrated to California following the civil war in their country, is known to be the most lethal gang in Central America, but quickly spread to the rest of the world with elements in the United States, United Kingdom , Spain, Canada and Germany. They do whatever it takes and it has no limits, they kill a rival as fast as one of its elements. They became famous mostly for their crimes against innocent people, including a massacre in which a bus with women and children was set on fire, resulting in 28 deaths of innocent people. They are so feared that even the Sinaloa cartel has hired them to carry out various illicit acts.
