gotta agree with this. my IRL friends are too busy chasing kids, jobs, and other obligations. I get a call once in a while, or a text once in a while, but the issue is IRL people MAKE themselves too busy.
its all too easy to invest in people who are situational friends - workmates, friend of a friend, your kids friends parents, neighbors - and then get stuck into the obligational bullcrap of polite discourse when you have nothing in common.
even having something in common doesnt guarantee you will get along if your communication styles clash.
two of my best friends I met online, one in a fan club, one playing a strategy game. we dont have tons in common, but we are friends of the heart, and that is the best kind.
"Situational obligational bull crap"
Feels like so much of my life. And it's true just because you have one thing in common with someone wont make you BFFs. Sometimez the best words are no words at all. Some people just talk to fill a perceived void with words that are meaningless