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RE: Deadliest Single-Shooter Attack in US History

in #life7 years ago (edited)

While I understand and empathize with your plea, there are several things you may wish to take into consideration:

1: Humans have historically been violent and nothing has substantially changed in the past 6000 or so years which would cause a shift to a less violent society.

2:The Constitution does not "give" us rights. It enumerates them. In the enumerated rights, there is no "right to informed news".

3:The only person on earth who really knows what happened is the trigger-puller, and I don't think we'll be hearing anything from him in the foreseeable future.

4:The Main Stream Media exists for one reason: TO MAKE MONEY. It's their job to keep people mis-informed, mal-informed and emotionally incensed about a given topic and spin it to keep people comming back for more. IT IS NOT IN THEIR FINANCIAL BEST INTEREST TO INFORM VIEWERS. Their best move it to let it trickle out, maximizing viewership and profit.

5: Law enforcement isn't there to provide a play-by-play for the populous.

6: These things happen. It's quite unfortunate, but it's a fact. Many generations in every country in the world has had similar mass killings. Many of the mass killings were worse than what happened in Las Vegas. We were fortunate it wasn't worse.

My heart goes out to those affected, but it is not in our best interest to allow our "feelings" to over-ride the facts, which we know little of.

Keep Calm and Carry On


I agree with mostly your entire argument, and although a clear emotional rant, my points were along the same lines of your response. I appreciate the well thought out and educated response friend. And there have been many worse attacks true and we will ALWAYS have that violence in our society. I dont expect answers from law enforcement, not their job, dont expect it to be. And no there isnt an amendment "we the people have the right to accurate and timely news" But our representatives and elected officials have a responsibility to us the people. And yes, all the news is... is $$ and ratings. But my point lies in the fact that its absolute garbage so much is lied about and kept from us. Not just from media. Thank you for re-vamping my post in a less emotional way, I tend to get a little too passionate :P And in regards to our constitution and constitutional rights, i am well versed in its content. And I refer more to the freedom of the press area. Many people want to properly inform citizens of important and pertinent news and they are STOPPED FROM DOING SO! Whether it be censorship or rating related reasoning it is still wrong!

Freedom of The Press: The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government. Americans enjoy freedom of the press under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

Censorship is the practice of limiting access to information, ideas or books in order to prevent knowledge or freedom of thought.

"A smart mind is a dangerous mind"

Keep Calm Steem On! And thank you for taking the time to add to this post! I love when people are actively thinking!

Also, mostly an emotional rant because like you mentioned, theres almost ZERO facts. Im just upset and disappointed at the lack of properly substantiated facts. And a LOT of the time tragedies like these occur, there is a bigger but less tragic matter at hand not being covered. It may make me a crazy conspiracy theorist.... But the coincidences are aplenty in that sense. So it has me at Tweak level worry if there is other sinister or worrisome events we dont know about going on in conjunction with this tragedy? These things all just make you really think, and wonder, and worry. Just need to accept the blessing of each day we get on this earth. And love each other while we have a chance.

Unfortunately, our internet age hasn't really solved our information problem.

The same sentiments were had in the aftermath of the Waco standoff, OKC bombing and 9/11.

The world hasn't changed.

The internet has changed our expectations of information availability.

This lack of availability leads to frustration, which tends to lead to aggression, which makes things worse.

Fourty years ago (before the 24/7 news cycle) we got our news slower, but more accurately.

We can't have it all, instaneously. Nor should we.

It takes time for us to absorb and process information.

Much like liquor, imbibing and processing too much, too fast can easily lead to highly volatile events, which (as a country) we can't socially afford to have.

This too will pass.
