So, what has pig poo got to do with skin care? Well I'm hoping it has a positive benefit to the skin...since that is what the above pictures legs covered with the dust from pig poo, fertilizer and soil.
So for someone that has left the corporate world to try his hand at farming, and that farming is NOT something I have a history with, then a lot of the information and lessons come from others knowledge and trial and error.
One of those lessons came when trying to prepare the soil for the winter season's planting. We were always going to use compost to feed the soil before closing up the fields with tarpaulins till ready to plant.
Problem was the money it cost to have a truck deliver a 15cm load of compost for the land!! I couldn't believe the cost! So was there another option?
I went to the neighbours that have 30 odd pigs, got permission to shovel all his pig poo into a bakkie (truck) and then use this on the land. I was excited that I now had a cheap way of fertilizing the land......wrong!! 2x bakkie loads later, a lot of sweat and effort, stinky pig poo remains over us, spreading the poo all over the ground and all we had to show was around 3m x 12m worth of compost, not even 1% of what we needed!! Not only that, the farmer had no more poo to offer. Sounds crazy just writing that!
So luckily I had previously bought a 10kg bag of fertilizer for the wife in her private garden which happened to cover 200m squared area. This offered a screened (without unwanted weeds/seeds etc) food that would offer nutrients for the soil we needed. So after a quick call and some organizing we arranged a lot more of the fertilizer, and for a fraction of the cost (around R1500/acre against the cheapest price of R15000 for UNSCREENED compost/acre)) we had enough fertilizer to spread easily per hand over the land we had prepared! I was so excited.
So now the only question remains......was that poo any good for my skin???
This should be declared a classic: somebody who names himself (I hope you are not including your wife) towjam, talking about using pig poo as skincare...
Okay, maybe not a classic, but a great sense of humour
(from an oke who is still up in the Johannesburg area)
Haha! I never thought of that!! Look, I was hoping the different spelling of towjam would not make it gross. It was my handle when I was young and playing network games with mates....kind of stuck :)
On a different subject, but thought occurs because of your post.
I've been watching communities having meetings and then the participants talk about how they made new friends and learnt so much from meeting. For instance, if we had such a meeting and a few guests gave short talks about the subject that inspires them, I think none of us would get impatient with those who struggle to express their ideas, for, overall, we will end the day with a lot of interesting knowledge and ideas. Heck I'd even be willing to sit through a few reading to us their poetry (but not mine, thank you, that is a cross none should have to bear).
However, I get the impression that most from SA are jealous of their privacy and don't want to meet others who live in the same country.
You know Ive always felt like we (most of us) are so scared of showing anything but the good side of ourselves. This stops us from actually taking a chance on yourself and any crazy or far out idea you may have in mind.
Like the idea. Like you said however, perhaps people are a little reticent to meet face to face in today's world....there are many trolls and chancers that take advantage of those sorts of things....sad really.
Lol, now this was funny. Love your heading, crabbed my attention immediately. Welcome to the steemit community, hope you will experience hours of joy.
Thank you. It is getting me to read a lot more of other peoples thoughts and ideas....I like it :)
very good
For the skin? Hope so!! Just kidding....thank you
Its a strange thing you are using for skin care. Its really new for me.
Brand new for me too!