Dog People VS Cat People - Which Team Are You On?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Dog People VS Cat People - Which Team Are You On?

Since before the dawn of civilization people have debated over which pets make the best companions, and over time cats and dogs have emerged as the prime candidates after narrowly beating out tapeworms and rocks in the semi finals. Which animal do you prefer: our canine companion or our feline friend? And what does your choice say about you other than that you probably don't fancy the idea of walking your pet rock on a leash made of a tapeworm?

Cats usually have the edge in staring contests

A study conducted by the University of California, Berkeley, which took a sample comprised of 38% dog people and 19% cat people, found that 38% of people were dog people and 19% were cat people. The rest either liked both cats and dogs, neither, or were too angry about the prospect of a political conservative guest giving a speech on school grounds to concentrate on the survey. Research in this area also found correlations between the type of animal you prefer and certain personality traits. So let's plunge into one of the remaining areas where the political correct police haven't yet prevented us from making unfounded and ignorant generalizations.

Full disclosure: I am owned by a cat and don't have a dog, although I've heard of them, read about them and even know someone who's seen one.

Dog People

Dogs are fiercely loyal and sociable creatures who will always put your interest first as long as your interests are to take it for a walk. They are also extremely intelligent and, with training, can learn to perform complex tasks such as not shitting on the carpet, not humping your leg and deriving equations in quantum field theory.

Dog people were found to be 15% more extroverted, 13% more agreeable and 72% more susceptible to made up statistics. Like their pets, they are far more outgoing and sociable than their cat loving counterparts. Similarly, they have a higher tendency to drag their asses across the floor instead of bothering to use toilet paper.

Hmm isn't he the asshole who laughs at you when you miss in Duck Hunt?

The study also indicated that dog lovers are generally more rule abiding, disciplined and conservative in their thinking. This is probably why my ex didn't find it all that funny when, as a joke, I swapped out her rape whistle for a dog whistle. Finally, dog people are more likely to be allergic to cats. This is not insightful, but has the benefit of being true.

Although I'm a cat person myself, I've always fancied getting a Labrador - because I'll just have to put on a pair of sunglasses before taking it for a walk to avoid needing to pick up its shit.

Cat People

So why do people like me choose to have cats other than for the benefit of using the litter box when the toilet breaks down? Well, unlike dogs or humans, cats provide affection; we find it hard to resist the gentle purring and nuzzling of our feline companions and cherish those 0.2% of the time when they're not completely ignoring us.

What do you mean this isn't called kitty style?

The research found that we cat people were generally more neurotic and less agreeable than dog people. I beg to differ! And much like our preferred pets, we were far less sociable and more anxious. I must admit my cat and I do tend to fight for our favorite hiding spot every time we hear a knock on the door.

Cat lovers also score a little higher on intelligence tests than their canine supporting opposition. And all this time I'd mistakenly believed that people use to sit next to me in maths tests because I was Asian.

They also discovered that cat people were more likely to be single. Great work researchers. Now that you've covered all the important stuff, how about going after that cure for cancer? :p

That's me. Not the one on the right, the other one

So how about you? Are you a cat person or a dog person? It'll be interesting to know even if it's just to see which group is more likely to get suckered into meaningless online discussions.

Image Sources 1,2,3

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I love dog and cake!

Just joking haha.
Auctual, I think dog is good, because they are more cute sometime and seldom hurt people.



That chihuahua and that muffin in the 3rd row from the bottom on the left side look so close that if you weren't paying attention you'd mix them up. LOL.

Great pictures, its funny but I never noticed how much a muffin (blueberry, I think, or maybe that's chocolate chip, can't tell from the photo) and a chihuahua look alike. LOL. :D

hahaha hilarious pics! i honestly can't tell with some of these pics

How about this :D I have a lot of cute cat pics too!

That is the cutest, oh my, it must be either a kitten, a very small adult, or a really big boot... LOL

Either way, great picture. :D

Hahahaha, i was actually looking for cake and what like , wait... is that chicken?! Lol

Great mosaic!

I am a dog person, so now you know another :)

Although I plan to become a cat person when I get older, I hope to get maybe 20 or 30 of them and to have that operation that will turn me into a lady, just to troll my neighbours.

haha hmm I'm not saying I have anything against dog people, but I think someone just hacked into my account and flagged all your posts :)

Account hacked!!!
Cat-People problems, am I right?

Was it your cat?

Both. My dog is on my picture profile. Sadly, cat R.I.P. - she was 12 yo, Siamese. Still cannot take another, time needed. My friend got mini-pig - and proudly walks with it at places with sign "no dogs"

LOL that's awesome
ties it to the sign post in defiance :)

I clearly prefer cats, they are beautiful, elegant, independent ... Dogs make too much noise, and, even if the owners are responsible (not the dogs), I really hate all the dog dirt everywhere ...

@jaki01 I'm a cat person I'll upload a pic of him

yes, absolutely agree! team cat!!

I loved my doggie who was my companion for 14 years, until last month

I also love my feral cat who keeps the rodents away from the house, cars, and electric meter box.

I also love my chicks.

They are all such good companions.

haha hey I use to have a chicken too!
chickens are far smarter than people give them credit for

And they have interesting personalities. I could tell chick stories all day about their oddness. This clever chick now lives in NYC making power costumes for the rich and eccentric

My family and I went to the pet shop to buy a kitten- seemed like a more sensible choice especially as our youngest is 2 years. Anyway, when we arrived at the pet shop we discovered beautiful puppies! And guess what we bought a puppy. And are proud owners of a cavapoo called Raphy. Now my world consists of cleaning dog shit from the balcony until Raphy learns to go toilet outside, in addition human shit from my two year old who has decided it would be a great idea to poo in his pants. Happy days. Great post!

hahaha well i guess you'll get a lot of experience if you ever want to be a nurse one day

haha! I'm training to be a social worker ... hopefully that's not in my job description

@trafalgar another great post I'm for sure a cat person 🐱 Hope you have a great day

I'm going to go for both cat person and dog person and will take the best elements of both! :p Well honestly I'm more of a cat person, not fond of most of the little dogs but love the bigger ones... ^^

I'm a super cat person too.Just because I love how they are so independent and not craving for attention alllll the time!!! I'll feel special when they do decide to be in the mood to approach me!. 🐱😍

They are clean and they are best sleeping buddies is another pluses. 👌🏻😆 I can go on and on.....
yet I prefer to be around a dog person... maybe they'll try to be nicer ?... from your article it seems that way.

haha ya cats are the best :p


what a beautiful dog, looks almost like a cat :)


right answer =)

Ha nice topic, personally it's very close, maybe just with cats but that's prob because I've only ever had one dog when I was a kid.

haha actually studies show ppl tend to be more bias towards what they had growing up so you're an exception

Cat. Never had affection for dogs. Their lifestyle seems too much obedient and too much loyal. Loyalty is not always a generally positive thing. You can be loyal to coldblood murdering and keeping quiet about it, right? On the other side cats have that freedom aura that follows them everywhere they go and that's what makes them lovely. As french poet Baudelaire once wrote: "Soldiers like dogs, poets like cats". Good article trafalgar.

i absolutely agree on your deeper point, loyalty is just a evolutionary trait that contributes to tribalism and irrational hate and violence
and yeah, cats are awesome :)

I am a proud cat person with two live in serial killers. I know they will probably eat me if I die in the Middle of the night lol. That purring is the best study in evolution. Has any other species developed a more manipulative vocalization?

Cat person by far. Dogs were domesticated to do work so basically you are now calling an animal that was intended as an indentured servant your friend. Cats, on the other hand, were domesticated to be super cool, casual acquaintances, that can take care of themselves thank-you-very-much.

I think we were domesticated by cats to be their slaves :)

I hope this answers your question

aww she's tiny!

He is just a few months old. Found him in the middle of the highway, stuck in a bush. Never had a pet but I slowly grow to like him. Still quite feral though. Don't let appearances deceive you :)

Dog person. I like the idea of receiving a warm reception similar to being away for a year, every time I walk out the door, forget my keys, and walk back inside. Instead of a cat, I've collected dryer lint for the last year and pile it in the corner. When people visit, I tell them it's my cat, but he's very antisocial and lazy. No litter box to worry about, and all the benefits of having a cat, which would be... none.

haha ya I suppose if you single handedly freed north korea after a year of being john rambo and came home, your cat would still treat you like a piece of shit

upvoted your latest post

Thanks! It's nice to find someone else with an equally twisted sense of humor and unique way of looking at things.

I'm a cat person, obviously by two of my last posts!! Ahah, i'll stop sharing my cats photos, at least for a couple of weeks!! ;)

haha no way don't ever stop, cats are the best :)

It's just a break! I'll reach more old photos ;)

You had me laughing most of the way! Great post.

Thank you tom, always glad to have you pop over to have a look at one of my posts :)

Quirkily funny as usual! You rock!

thanks a lot kus knee, glad to have you always taking a look at my posts

Definitely Dog person, he follows me everywhere I go

FullSizeRender 3.jpg

I'm so glad you cropped that picture

Haha yes didn't want to frighten people

LOL. I was thinking the exact same thing. :D

CATS!!!! ...........(wait, is that someone at the door.........)

quick hide! no not with me, go find your own hiding spot!

Hnmph....I took my (squirming) cat and left!

Dogs rule ....cats drool

I suppose you wouldn't want to be the drooler when compared to a dog


haha sooo many dog ppl outnumbering us :(

Well..what can you say...
Dogs are "Man's best friend"

Haha =)

No story for me! Dog all the way

you are my sworn enemy :)

Oh come on! I've seen a lot of love between dogs and cats..... Ok no, enemies :D

hi!i am dog team

boooo!! You smell :)

Dogs are so cute and it keeps you happy and keeps your mind engaged and active

yeah? well cats ignore me all day...hmmm I sorta see your point

When they are hungry, they will find you.

Cats 100%!!! Dogs often just annoy me, only benefit of them is that you can often see hot MILFs like @fartblaster s mum walking them in the local area

haha fair enough :)

deriving equations in quantum field theory

I'm going to teach my dog to do that.
Who's gonna teach me first??😂

haha you can take an online course together

On a side note. This is the funniest post I have ever read here mate!
You surely are gifted for making humorous content.

thank you very much, there's no secret really, I spend like 20 mins sitting blankly in front of the computer until a mediocre punchline pops into my head and I write it down. I do this for every sentence

It must have taken you a few hours and numerous open tabs in your notepad/wordpad to write the whole post then 😛😛

it takes me quite a while to put something like this together, even if they're quite short



aww i'm a cat person but I have to admit that dog is very cute :p

Congratulations @trafalgar!
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I'm defiantly a dog person. Here's Archie. He's a Bichon

Awwww Archie is adorable!

aww that's adorable!

So cute! My parent's dog is half bichon!

They're such characters. One minute he's all over you like a rash and the next he's like "Don't touch me! No seriously get lost hooman." LOL

When he was a pup (I still call him puppy now and he's 10) he was more like a cat than a dog. He still sits with his front paws tucked under him like a cat does.

Yes! They are! Lol... :)

This photo clearly depicts my preference. Cats will always rule this household. A dog would be good to have around, however, to eat turds out of the litter box and to consume outdated and unwanted leftover food.

hahaha damn, you going to join your gang of cats to bully your dog, that's harsh!

God bless the ferrets! Especially sleeping ferrets... :)

haha it looks like it fell asleep trying to bite its own butthole

ahh it looks beautiful

My Ancient Ancestors passed down the "Cat Allergy" Gene to me, it is hard coded in my DNA. I refuse to buy a genetically engineered cat, i.e., a hypoallergenic breed.

Photo Credit: Pet MD

I'm on my 4th "Puppy" right now and yeah, I always call 'em my "Puppy" even when they are old. They are all pains in the ass, needing to be walked, fed and played with, LOL. In return, I get extra love, attention and protection, so I guess its a fair deal.

On top of that, my dog is always glad to see me and appreciates all the time I spend with her. If only the dog could teach my wife and kids the value of gratitude, life would be even better than it is now.

haha i suppose dogs can be pretty cool too :p

Interesting post. Enjoyed. I've never trusted research, especially on topics such as this but found the findings enlightening. I grew up with both and throughout my life have had both most of the time not by choice. Whether they belonged to family members, x's or just seemed to just show up in my life and come and go for a time as they pleased not concerned for my feelings at all towards them. I've always considered myself more of a cat person having shared time with a road side throw away for 18 years . Yeah, that's right, I had a cat that lived for 18 years. His name was Freeway and that's where I found him. Dogs, at least for me, are messy and need to much of my time care wise. Try going out of town owning a dog? They can't take care of themselves like a cat can. You'll have to have a friend come by or board them. A cat, just fill up the food bowl before you go, put him out and enjoy your vacay unless you've mutated your cat by de-clawing and inprisoned him to the indoors forever. No, I'm not a dog person but I do miss Freeway..........

aww yeah
i wish their life expectancy were as long as ours

Yep! That would be koooool! By the way, they don't want to "cure" anything especially cancer. They just want to treat it. Treatments are their cashcow so keeping people sick is more profitable. I know you know this but I had to say it. Great post. Brought back some good buried memories for me. Preeeeesh!

ya you're right
that's what happens when big pharma gets involved :(

haha cats don't take shit from no one!

A no decision. Dogs are amazing. Having lived with more than a few, the relationships you develop with them, for mine. Exceed what a cat can give.

Not a fan of cats at all. But that is just me :)

you're in the majority, but we're on opposite teams!!!

I Am a cat persoon for sure!

yes, we need more good people like you in the world sir

I have cat and dog, but if they ask me I prefer dogs and it is not because they are paying me.

hahahaha... Each one has its own way of being, and the good thing is that they get along well together... Odin (dog) Mell (cat)

haha that's so sweet
bet your dog bribes your cat to not pick on him too much too

Dog all the way!!!

cats are pretty cute too :p

hahaha, i like dogs, not because they are cute, but because they are the best! lol

good doggy:)

nice post !support you😎
Team Cat🐱🐱!

haha excellent choice!

I am team dog ;)

i think team cat is behind
but we're putting up a good fight!

I have not had a pet for many years, but last year my father died unexpectedly and suddenly I gave his bird a new home. He felt very comfortable with us, unfortunately he died only 3 months after my father and we mourned again. He was about 11 years old.....

very sorry to hear that, apologies for bringing up bad memories

It is not a bad memory. I think with pleasure of the beautiful (even if it was short) time back we had with each other....

I think that's a very positive way of looking at it :) go bird people!

@trafalgar, this is a very interesting topic.
I'm a dog person. Personally, I don't like cats. Our dog can even perform little tasks like holding stuffs in its mouth and bring it to you when you send it. Unfortunately it was bitten by a snake. Missing our beautiful "Brandy " that's its name.

oh no that's horrible! sorry to bring back sad memories

No problem. Thank you.

I like both but I have a cat instead of dog...because I like the lazy cat ignoring me rather the active dog ;)

yes, another one on my team!
but yeah, i think we love being ignored on some level

My cats not succes........wkwkwkwkwkwkw
Just comment

haha woah nice catfishing :)

Thank you

Definitely dog,boxer to be precise.Great post.Upvoted.

haha thanks a lot, meow!

I've got 6 dogs, had 14 once, so I'd have to say I'm more of a dog person. I like cats too but my husband and daughter are both allergic to cats so can't really have them.

haha that's awesome!
i have a cat and i'm allergic to cats
i don't care lol I just hug her and sneeze all day

tough choice, really love both of them :/

being on the fence is understandable :)

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