Why Haven't We Ran Into Alien Lifeforms Yet?

in #life8 years ago

Lately, I've often found myself fantasizing about us making contact with intelligent extraterrestrial lifeforms, if only just to see how Trump would try to deal with them. Yet is it really so far fetched? Considering the age and size of the universe, (old and big respectively,) is the probability of facing an alien invasion really much lower than electing a leader whose first response would likely be to build a giant floating wall to keep them out? Or perhaps we are truly alone in the universe, well at least to whatever extent sharing a planet with a trillion other species could qualify as 'alone'.

I bet I could teach my dog to catch these

The Age and Size of the Universe

The best thing about the universe is that although it's expanding at an exponential rate, it never gets offended if you inquire about its size or age. The universe is approximately 100 billion light years from end to end according to my measuring tape and about 14 billion years old.

As you know, I lend my Hubble telescope to scientists when I'm not using it to keep an eye on what my ex is up to, and last year they were able to use it to discover that the observable universe contained at least 2 billion galaxies: roughly 10 times more than originally thought. Each galaxy has around a trillion stars, and a good proportion of them have a planet that is similar to ours. So by my calculations there are 80,000 trillion habitable planets in the universe exactly!

Hmm, I can see my house from here

Fermi Paradox

Even assuming that the only planets out there capable of sustaining lifeforms need to be very similar to ours, that's still a lot of planets with the right qualifications. So the natural question is why are we so isolated from any other signs of intelligent life that we're forced to view some ice deposits on mars with the same level of excitement as being part of an intergalactic war against the Zerg? With at least a billion habitable planets within our Milky Way galaxy alone, and 14 billion years of opportunities for any one of them to evolve intelligent beings capable of interstellar travel, you'd think we'll all be worried about paying E.T.'s phone bill?

This is known as Fermi's Paradox: on the one hand the independent opportunities of harboring life in the cosmos seems staggering and galactic scale civilizations over the course of 14 billion years is almost guaranteed. On the other hand, we have failed to make first contact with any other intelligent species originating from outside our own planet. Much like how there's 4 billion human females on the planet, the probability of not a single one of them being willing to go out with me seems so low, yet its also palpably staring at me in the face. What could be some possible explanation to this apparent paradox?

Errr...we're going to need a bigger wall to keep this one out


One possible explanation is that while there are an abundance of planets that provide habitable environments, almost none of them have the conditions required for life to begin. The process of how the first life originated on the planet from inanimate physical objects is not fully understood. It's not like a rock just started mating with another rock out of the blue and gave birth to the first turtle. The process for life to begin could be infinitesimally unlikely, to the point where even though there are trillions of habitable planets, the probability that almost none of them contain life is still every high. Therefore, maybe no one is out there which is why in space no one can hear you scream.

I is the first lifeform ever

Another theory is that while its not too difficult for life to begin, every intelligent civilization ultimately and inevitably ends up destroying itself by, say, electing an unintelligent leader who starts a nuclear war that destroys their entire planet. Or perhaps some doomsday piece of knowledge lies ahead of us, its mere discovery will ensure our total annihilation irrespective of how benign our intentions are. If that's the case then we might as well all just be assholes, as we're screwed anyway. I'm way ahead of most of you in that respect.

Arthur C. Clarke remarked “Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.” I don't know why he thought sitting around playing Mario Kart in the lounge room is as terrifying as having our planet vaporized by a passing Death Star, but I do happen to agree with the first, and less profound, half of that quote.

Image Sources 1,2,3,4

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I've seen four UFOs in my lifetime. All great experiences. I believe. Peace

woah, you gotta take a pic next time and post it on here to earn a pretty penny

I don't know why I've seen so many this was before cellphones good stories about them though on the last one I saw I called the news and men in black came to my house and they said others in the area had seen it to and they all described it the same

I am fairly certain ailen life is out there, however for them to reach here they would have to have master faster than light travel, which may or may not be possible. It is possible that they are struggling with this and reside in a different galaxy then we do.

If they exist, one would assume they would be emitting all sorts of EM radiation, but there isn't anything out there really doing that. So either the intelligent life is much much more advanced then we are and has figured out other means of communication, or they are much much less advanced then we are and there is no chance of contact as of yet.

The universe is also massive, so its possible that intelligent life exists somewhere right now, but the light/EM radiation has not yet even reached earth, and may not do so for tens of thousands of years.

Yes, but the probability of intelligent life form occurring in our galaxy shouldn't be dismissed either. We don't know for sure, but a lot of planets have been habitable for a long time. Intergalactic travel may be extremely difficult, but inter solar system travel, far less so

Here's another NASA fanboy with his thumb up his ass. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Aliens are nothing but a psy-op. You've bought into the lie and now resemble something of a science fiction author. I assume your a Stephen Hawking fanboy too?

If humans are the only sentient life forms....then this universe sucks.

Judging from my scientific experiment on magic mushroom I'd say they have master faster than light travel but that's only pure musing.

On another train of thought some have advance the idea that maybe galaxy give rise to quite a lot of Earth like condition and Earth like condition mostly give rise to intelligent ape or at least conditions where then environment push on the animals to smarten up their brain to the point of intelligent like abilities.

It might seem really far fetch at first but I don't see why this theory should be dismiss out right. I think it has some merits. People might think ape were only possible because dinosaur got kill by an asteroid but I'd say mammal would have most probably over took Earth whether or not this asteroid impact happened. Cool article by the way.

I'm going to sound really f*kin crazy....but I don’t care.

You can travel faster than light if you are massless. Gravity is only a creation to a "substance" which can not be perceived in the 3rd dimension (it has an super high frequency). 3rd dimension or physical reality is actually very small in this universe. If you are able to alter the speed of matter on a fundamental level you can move into higher dimensions. You create an electromagnetic field around you which creates you own "space" that’s how you move in and out of this dimension.
Humans are probably the least evolved of all sentient lifeforms. And there are many sentient life forms that exist that don’t contain any organic matter and survive off radiation from suns.
OMG I sound crazy.

Several years ago, I read a full book about this subject:

"If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY?: Fifty Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life" by Stephen Webb.

As I remember, it started with a joke: The aliens are already there: they are the Hungarians.
(my wife is Hungarian)

Lol I can't even imagine how Trump would react... He would probably tell them if they fly in our airspace again we will build a wall around earth. They must visit us legally!

haha ya very likely

Why? the earth is flat, no space its all lie and manipulation , its flat folks

Probability for occurrence of all 322 parameters ≈ 10-388Here is one article by Dr Hugh Ross on the probability of life (just copied and pasted). Followed you @trafalgar and will be looking forward to more of your posts.

dependency factors estimate ≈ 10-96

longevity requirements estimate ≈ 1014

Probability for occurrence of all 322 parameters ≈ 10-304

Maximum possible number of life support bodies in universe ≈ 1022

Thus, less than 1 chance in 10282(million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion) exists that even one such life-support body would occur anywhere in the universe without invoking divine miracles.

haha thanks
I guess they'll be a lot of variations in estimates as we don't have a lot of the key data like what is the process of life to begin

The prime directive! I don't know how much more obvious it could be. If a species was advanced enough to reach us, the chances they are benevolent is very high (though not guaranteed) because otherwise their likelihood of self-destruction is just too high. And if they are that advanced, they would probably not want to recklessly interfere with the development of another species. There are a lot of New Age theories about this, I don't fully buy the specifics of any of them but in general this situation has always seemed extremely likely to me and it was right out there for me to ponder since I was a kid watching Star Trek.

I also think we are too stuck in our perspective to see many other likelihoods. We assume that we have a pretty solid definition of life, but we really have no way of disproving Gaia theory, who is to say that planets themselves are not forms of intelligent life. Who is to say there isn't life we are unaware of in different realms, if aliens visited us, we might not even be able to perceive them. Once again, lots of conspiracy theories that talk about this, no need to put full faith in the details but it seems pretty likely once you realize that humans always seem to think they know much more than they do.

If there are intelligent species out there, and it seems likely that there are more than one, it the most sense that they are patiently watching us, either hoping to make contact and help us advance when we are ready to do so peacefully, or ready to shoot us down when we become a threat, probably both.

yes this is an plausible observation, indeed life can probably be vastly different to what we are, but even if they're cant, there should be ample opportunities for the galaxy to be full of intelligent beings similar to us.

To assume that we are intelligent enough to handle being part of an intergalactic community is a very human perspective. :-D The one's like us are all probably in situations similar to us, not yet able to travel to us or in the process of self-destruction. If we can learn to stop looking for enemies and create a culture where love and inner peace guides our decision making, the ETs will appear, I promise.

something else to consider - would we even be capable recognizing certain alien life forms...?

I mean sure, there might be the little guys with the funny shapes heads. But it could also be possible that there are certain dimensional beings existing on frequency spectrums that might not appear as physical. we might not even possess the ability to perceive/translate those frequency spectrums (yet).

or, what's to say there aren't aliens amongst us in human form? or perhaps, we ourselves are even aliens?

or that those crazy ass deep sea creatures aren't alien?

considering "aliens" are supposed to be from different galaxies, dimensions, etc - most people's conception of them as showing up as something simply physical might be rather unrealistic and limited...

Thats true, they may be so radically different that they're undetectable by us directly or through current technology :)

forget the word alien for a moment..............sentient life forms do exist........many assume if they don’t look or operate like us then they are not intelligent. i would say this galaxy is sentient. More complex than the human brain.

Egocentric bias.

Imagine instead you're an ant living in an ant-hill in the middle of the Amazon feelling around with your feelers, wondering why you haven't seen any any other type of intelligent life capable of building such awesome ant-hills. Our problem as a species is, we intrinsically think we must be special enough that any other species should want to travel to our specific anthill and/or communicate with us if they had the ability to --rather than generally ignore us as uninteresting as we humans would an anthill. We used to think the Earth was the center of the universe. Now we wonder why aliens don't communicate across the light-years in a way we can detect with our primitive ant-feelers.

That said, it does appear we may have detected repeated energy bursts in the range that would be ideal to push solar sails between solar systems.

The fact that Homo sapiens is not intelligent, doesn't prove that there is no intelligent life in the universe at all. :)

So the natural question is why are we so isolated from any other signs of intelligent life ...

Mabye because really intelligent creatures would be intelligent enough to avoid meeting us. :-)

I personally would be very surprised if no intelligent forms of life were existing at uncountable places of the universe. We thought sun was circulating around the earth, we fought against the fact that evolution is the reason for our existence, and sooner or later we will have to accept that also our planet is not as special as we like to see it.

One problem (between many others) to detect (or even communicate with) extraterrestrial life are the huge distances. If for example we receive light (or electromagnetic waves) from a place which is one million light years away from us, the arriving waves give us information about the prevailing conditions one million years ago: we look into the past but don't 'see' the presence. Imagine how long a communication signal from a sender to a receiver and then back to him would last ... Of course if we are lucky we may detect life nearer in our 'neighborhood' one day. :)

Not long ago I read "The Three-Body Problem" from the Chinese science fiction author Liu Cixin which offered quite some food for thoughts - just in case you are interested.

It turns out that aliens stay away because we smell bad. If you could travel interstellar distances, would you bother visiting the scum that crops up on just any planet? It's like having a moldy dish of food in the refrigerator and not wanting to bother cleaning it out just now. It smells funny, and there is an unpleasant life form in there that can wait till later.

Hahahah I love this

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

You may be on to something! LOL

It seems the most logical conclusion to me. I simply do not think that we have this big, empty universe all to ourselves, and a lot of the human occupied areas on the surface of this planet are like the inside of a stocked refrigerator that has been left unplugged too long.

I was thinking I also want to know. Then I saw the kitten and thought...I want more cats!

haha that was the reward I sneaked in for people who got that far into the article :)

I did the SAME!!! I definitely need more cats... I am glad I am not alone in that thought!

You are definitely not alone!

That cat is way too cute.

I agree!

Running into Aliens every day - in the office, at home - not related to kittens but strange ones - not sure what their plan is with us

Very cool post! Followed :)

Maybe the fact that we still have politicians scared them? ;)

haha maybe they're impersonating our politicians

Haha I think you're right @trafalgar, they seem to be contacting their mothership :P

Alt Text

if aliens exist they would probably do their best to avoid our self-destructive species.

the aliens are everywhere, you're just not looking closely enough! lol

of course, none of those aliens are nearly as cute as that little alien fuzzy furball!

aww but i even posted a picture of a kitty

that was the "alien lifeform" I was referring to! :D

of course, none of those aliens are nearly as cute as that little alien fuzzy furball!

I was waiting to see who was going to post a MIB reference!! Kudos!!

There is plenty of evidence that we've already been in contact with "ETs" for quite some time. If you haven't seen any of it, I'd recommend starting with Unacknowledged. It's over-dramatic in parts, but hear it out. If nothing else, at least you'll be entertained =]

Why would any intelligent life want to contact us -- We are violent muthafukkas..., we kill everything, including each other. They are probably out there, trying to avoid us!

haha presumably if they had the capacity to contact us they could destroy us with less than a thought

With probability close to 100% there are no aliens in the Solar System. At present we only can meet alien, if they'll land here. They don't for some reason. Very simple: if they are at the level, comparable to ours, they cannot travel so far. If they can travel at star distances, they are not interested to land here - there are so many interesting things somewhere else. If we are assume that some unusual phenomena in the space, looking unnatural, are signs of activity of advanced civilization, then there are plenty... Check my today's post, for example

Not interested in landing here? But we have Beyonce!!
interesting post

Thanks! Yes, I forgot that aliens who already departed: Elvis, David Bovie..

Hi @trafalgar,

Nice piece written and clear message. I definitely believe there is more out there then our eyes could see yet question indeed remains: how will our human kind cope with their existence and it's contact from outer space beings?

Let's hope one day we shall see! Upvoted your post ;)

Your writing makes me smile! You are a great addition to my morning coffee.

thanks for reading :) youre too kind to say

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At least we got star trek and star wars :D

they'll have a to do for now

Loved your post, interesting and funny. But to be serious for a sec, this would be the worst time in U.S. history to have first contact with Aliens. I am already scared to death about what Trump will do "next". Having him in charge when Aliens arrive.....I don't even want to contemplate!!!

haha ok maybe delay first contact for 4 years

we will live like an alien in 2500 , the blockchain technologies also will be used in that time,
blockchain is the one of transformation technologies

haha yes hopefully
i do think blockchain is revolutionary and we're just scratching the surface as to its uses :)

on blockchain especially steem, the concept is not rich get richer, all people in the crypto world have a same chance to get rich. on steem people who did not get rich yet has a big chance by posting everything he want and also he must interact to other people.

i like blockchain concept decentralized..

They have not made contact with "us", but they might well have contacted or abducted specific people.

Peers around nervously
don't look at me, my butthole was already like that!

Great piece! Also, i think that there is also a chance that there are in fact aliens, and they have already visited haha :)

maybe, ack! look behind you!

Beautiful post

nice post! you're funny for a human :)

haha thank you, nice pun for a cyborg

Dr. Neil DeGrasse - A Fascinatingly Disturbing Thought!!
"If you look at the closest genetic relative to human beings- the chimpanzees- we share like 98+% identical DNA, we are smarter than a chimpanzee. Let’s invent a measure of intelligence that make humans unique. Let’s say intelligence is your ability to compose poetry, symphonies, do art, math and science, let’s say. Let’s make that as the arbitrary definition of intelligence for the moment. Chimps can’t do any of that. Yet we share 98/99% identical DNA. The most brilliant chimp there ever was, maybe can do sign language. Well, our toddlers can do that. Toddlers. So, here’s what concerns me deeply. Deeply! Everything that we are, that 'distinguishes us from chimps', EMERGES from that 1% difference in DNA!. It has to because that’s the difference. The Hubble telescope, that’s in that 1%. Maybe, everything that we are that is not the chimp is not as smart compared to the chimp as we tell ourselves it is. Maybe the difference between constructing and launching a Hubble telescope and a chimp combining two finger motions as sign language- maybe that difference is not all that great. We tell ourselves it is. Just the same way we label our books optical illusions. We tell ourselves it’s a lot. Maybe it’s almost nothing. How would we decide that? Imagine ANOTHER LIFE FORM! That’s '1% DIFFERENT FROM US'. In the direction that we are different from the chimp. Think about that. We have 1% difference and we are building the Hubble telescope. Go another 1%. What are we to they? We would be drooling, blithering idiots in their presence. That’s what we would be."
"So, I lay awake at nights wondering whether we as a species are simply too stupid to figure out the universe that we’re investigating. And maybe we need some other species 1% smarter than we are for, which string theory would be intuitive, for which all the greatest mysteries of the universe… from dark matter, dark energy, the origins of life, and all the frontiers of our thought would be something that they would just self intuit. I’m jealous of that possibility because I want to be around for those discoveries."

Neil DeGrasse is an American astrophysicist and science communicator. He is currently the Frederick P. Rose Director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Rose Center for Earth and Space and a research associate in the department of astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History. From 2006 to 2011 he hosted the educational science television show NOVA ScienceNow on PBS and has been a frequent guest on The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Real Time with Bill Maher, and Jeopardy!. It was announced on August 5, 2011, that Tyson will be hosting a new sequel to Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage television series.

We are certainly not "too stupid". We have simply had much relevant and important information deliberately withheld from us by those who wish for us to remain dumbed down. One ET civilization the Andromedans, considers humanity genetic royalty according to Alex Collier who lived with them for 3 months -

pretty stupid remarks about trump
regarding why we haven't met aliens yet?
two possibilities...

  1. it's a LOOOOOOOOONG ways to anywhere..and takes a loooooooooong time to get there . 186,000 miles per second isn't just a good idea...it's the law. The fastest object we have built that is large enough to be naked eye visible. can't go 1/1000 that fast.. so...imagine walking acrosss a ten thousand mile desert..with only a canteen , a sammich...and no way to resupply until you got to the other side...(worse...you need to take full environmental systems as well)

  2. Virtual reality. Imagine lucid dreams. You ARE THERE....as far as you're concerned Computer Induced Lucid Dreaming...sometimes called virtual reality...is REAL.
    how would you like to be anything you wanted, do anything you wanted to do, with no consequences? Do you know any hardcore gamers?

I rest my case.

trump stuff is just a joke :)

  1. Intergalactic travel is very difficult, but with rocket propulsion, a civilization slightly more advanced than we are can colonize every habitable planet in the entire galaxy within a few million years. Given that they've had 14 billion years (slightly less, the first few years were not fit for life), it's still highly probable for our entire galaxy to be colonized long before the earth existed with a modest estimation of technology.

  2. Not too sure what you mean, but if you're saying we're likely in a computer simulation, then that may be true, but why simulate this vast universe but not bother adding extraterrestrial life for consistency when you can just simulate a much smaller but self consistent universe for us to reside in?

Thanks for reading

a civilization slightly more advanced than we are can colonize every habitable planet in the entire galaxy within a few million years.

our rockets are 95% fuel...5% payload (or less)..and THAT is just to get into orbit.
how do you propose to fuel a 50,000 year trip...and that's JUST to the closest star...4 light years away.?

yes but most of the energy is required to leave earth, I'm unsure of how much energy is required to navigate the gravitational fields of other planets on our way out of the solar system, but it might be suprisingly low

I think we're only about 200 years away from leaving the solar system. By which time the trip may be a few orders of magnitudes faster and depending on anti aging technology, we, or our descendants can begin colonizing other solar systems.

Even if i'm way off with the estimate of tehcnological advancement (I dont' think I am) I think a lot can and should have happened already in 14 billion years and it is honestly a small wonder that we're so isolated outside of our planet.

sorry...you're wrong.
Voyager II launched by NASA on August 20, 1977
it is now

  • At a distance of 114 AU (1.71×1010 km) from the Sun as of April 5th, 2017,[6] Voyager 2 is one of the most distant human-made objects, along with Voyager 1, New Horizons, Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11. The probe was moving at a velocity of 15.4 km/s (55,000 km/h) relative to the Sun as of December 2014

do the math...2017 - 1977?
fastest moving object ever made by the human race?
it hasn't even got out of the solar system yet?

According to Ben Rich Director of Lockheed Martin Skunkworks, "We now have the technology to take ET home." Here is the link -

We worry so much about what or better, how are aliens not getting to us by now. Needless to say we are so arrogant that forget that the answer is right in front of our noses. WE ARE THE ALIENS in this world and that our existence has by now been shorter than 5% of what the dinosaurs lived and roamed on earth. Either we take care of earth or that is it for our short existence.

end of earth.jpg

haha I mean yes we havne't been around for a long time, but it does seem a little lonely outside of this planet

I personally think we can certainly not be alone in this whole universe. Also I think it is not necessary for a planet to have same conditions as Earth to have life forms on it. Maybe their different conditions lead them to produce totally different life-forms. I think we should leave our toughest micro-organisms on some nearby planets, to see if they can survive. I am sure, that out of those billions of sampled microorganisms, some would be there who would adapt to the new conditions of the new planet! What do you think??

yup exactly, even if that were true there should be plenty, and there's no indication that vastly different lifeforms can't exist in environments that are hostile to us

space is completely fake. nothing nasa does is real, you are the victim of a massive psy-op.

LOL! So you mean there are no satellites, no man landed on moon, no rover landed on Mars. Haha! Maybe NASA is fake, but my country's space agency (ISRO) isn't it. So for me everything they tell is genuine.

There is a brilliant blog post about this subject by Tim Urban on Wait But Why. It's a long but worthwhile read.

thank you i'll check it out

Ha! The Wait but Why post was exactly what I thought of when I read this as well. Big universe but small world ;)

Nice article :) Another theory - maybe aliens have already found us but they won't establish contact with species that are far less developed. Look at all the shit happening around the world - murders, wars, lies, propaganda, social problems, poverty, famine... Imagine now that you are a super intelligent alien - would you make contact with such species? Why bother? :)
Upvoted and followed

yes I suppose that's possible indeed. To them we'll be like barbaric insects. Maybe we need another few thousands years to graduate

Yes or at least get out of the kindergarten :D

"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying". When I think about the implications of the first part of the statement the frightening part is that humanity seems fragile and has the capacity to destroy itself and the planet. Then the only life in the universe would be gone. Thanks for the post

thanks for reading, yes hopefully we can overcome our tribal tendencies and avoid hurting each other

I am an alien...

uorethwlz dhgaretujf 34jdagagjre jpoipisdfw??

Nah, I speak Klingon XD

I definately have had the same thought, you are not alone by Michael Jackson comes to mind.

One of my favorite websites (Wait But Why) has a fun piece on the Fermi Paradox which gets into the Great Filter as well. Fun stuff to contemplate indeed. :)

haha ya good article
someone else just recommended it to me as well

because we are the aliens hahah weve been genetically created

shhh don't let out the secret!

I like your article but the part about electing an unintelligent leader who starts a nuclear war is pure science fiction. There are things called "qualifications" in order to be an important leader. Its not like 50 million people would overlook the fact that a candidate has absolutely no qualifications whatsoever. That is just dumb. Now if he was an avid twitter user, that would supersede the need for those pesky qualifications.

I think the only job of his security team is to keep him away from the keyboard but they're not always successful

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @trafalgar!

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I think the most important question may be, does any other intelligent life form exist at the same time as us?

If you think about the Universe and how long it has supposedly existed, and just how short of a time period humans have existed within that, is it likely that another advanced race even exists during that tiny window of time we do? What is the likely hood that two advanced races capable of space travel meet one another in that tiny time frame? Pretty low I would say.

Has or does intelligent life exist elsewhere in the known Universe, probably. Are we ever likely to run into them? No.

Maybe alien life is out there waiting for us to find, but we are looking in the wrong direction.

Instead of looking up maybe we should be looking south, beyond the wall of ice where only a few brave souls dared to explore before the UN (who uses a flat earth map as their logo) banned people from going near the area.

Who knows what New Worlds lie beyond the constant patrolling boats and the freezing temperatures, but I have faith that if humanity became willing to look, no government could stop us from learning the truth and maybe we might just find our alien brothers.

If other life is intelligent enough to travel to earth, they are intelligent enough to do a little recon first. My guess is they don't want taxed to death and blamed for things they had nothing to do with.

Or maybe just captured in a bottle to be experimented on!!!

Well written post, these are questions I contemplate myself. Following you...curious to see what you come up with next

We havent run into any but scientists will throw their lives away trying to prove there are other life forms. Because they have nothing better do other than have wet Star Wars dreams hoping everything on sci-fi channel can be a part of their reality.....

Awesome post followed and upvoted

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