Great article! FYI here is an article based on a scientific study discussing the hydrating abilities of various drinks:
Interestingly, orange juice is even better than water for hydration. Here is a part of the scientific study's abstract:
"The identification of beverages that promote longer-term fluid retention and maintenance of fluid balance is of real clinical and practical benefit in situations in which free access to fluids is limited or when frequent breaks for urination are not desirable. The post ingestion diuretic response is likely to be influenced by several beverage characteristics, including the volume ingested, energy density, electrolyte content, and the presence of diuretic agents"
What!! orange juice! That is crazy! Thank you for the link, This is so interesting. I guess if your focused on hydraion drink that orange juice, But if you want to avoid calories drink water!
Juices are really bad because you get all this sugar without the fiber. Nature intended fruit to be eaten and not with a meal. And not too much.